Who is Greta Thunberg, this 16-year-old Nobel Peace Prize activist?


"We named Greta because the climate threat is probably one of the main causes of war and conflict. The mbad movement that has led is a very important contribution to peace", Revealed the Norwegian deputy André Øvstegård.

Øvstegård is one of the three parliamentarians of the Socialist Left Party who appointed the 16-year-old Swedish girl.

Thunberg began last summer to strike every Friday and to demonstrate in front of the Swedish Parliament to demand more effective measures against climate change.

After his speech at the United Nations Climate Summit in Poland and at the Davos forum, he became an example for many young people from different countries who encouraged similar initiatives.

Thunberg was born in 2003; his mother was a Swedish opera singer and his father an actor. But the young woman did not live an easy life: was diagnosed with attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity and autism. Nevertheless, he did not give up and continued his initiatives.

"Now everyone tends to be social and extrovert, but I'm not like that and hope it inspires and demonstrates to everyone those who are like me can also be heard and do great things ", explained to the DPA agency.

The young woman is the creator of the Fridays For Future (FFF) movement, which has gained worldwide recognition through its struggle: called for a "global strike" of schoolchildren for tomorrow, March 15, to which more than 89 countries will join.

In addition, she was one of the young women chosen to speak at TEDx Stockholm in 2018 and earlier this year. participated in the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum, which brought together opinion leaders in the field of communication.


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