Who is Isabel Peralta, the Nazi influencer at the head of Spanish fascism


Isabel Medina Peralta is an 18 year old girl who last Saturday gave a anti-Semitic speech in Madrid, as part of a neo-Nazi demonstration during which the dead of Blue division, a group of Spanish volunteers who enlisted to fight against the USSR alongside Nazi Germany during WWII. After their xenophobic expressions Twitter closed your account.

Twitter Isabel Peralta
Twitter suspended Isabel Peralta’s account for her anti-Semitic posts.

Among the messages he broadcast were proclamations such as “The enemy is the Jew”, which shocked various human rights organizations and the Jewish community in Spain. The Madrid public prosecutor’s office announced that investigate anti-Semitic protests Of March.

Isabel Peralta uttered those questionable words at the end of a neo-nazi march convened by Juventud Patriota, in line with its publications on social networks. For these expressions, the cyber hate section of the prosecution will practice evidence “conducive to the identification, clarification and specification of the alleged criminal acts” .

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The young woman studies history and becomes the new muse of the far right in Spain. El Mundo newspaper classified it as “a kind of influence of fascism “. She became interested in Nazi leaders at the age of 13, and her speech last Saturday in front of more than 300 people at the Almudena Cemetery in Madrid gave her a new face of Nazism.

The controversial influencer opened his Twitter account in May 2019 and the conversations he fostered contained messages macho, xenophobic and fascist.

isabel peralta nazi
Influencer Isabel Peralta delivered a glowing speech to the Spanish Blue Division and made a Nazi gesture.

Among their interactions, Peralta Retweeted proclamations of the Falangist youth of Spain and he even responded to a tweet from the left-wing Podemos party that compared Juventud Patriota, organizer of Saturday’s event, to far-right Vox. In this message where admitted that they were not democrats: “The differences? They are Zionists, Capitalists, Democrats and Constitutionalists. Not us,” the tweet read.

Hate speech

The same day as Isabel Medina Peralta gave his anti-Semitic speech, they arrested a young rapper, Pablo Hasel, sentenced to nine months in prison for extolling terrorism and insulting the Crown.

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The Center for Judeo-Christian Studies called the anti-Semitic proclamations in last Saturday’s tribute “odious”, while the Federation of Jewish Communities of Spain (FCJE) said these were “serious charges” against the Jews. The Jewish community said “unacceptable that these accusations go unpunished” and demands that the hate crimes prosecutor’s office ex officio investigate the facts and “prosecute and condemn the criminal acts”.

The young Isabel Peralta, summoned by the neo-Nazi organization Juventud Patriota, participated in the tribute to the Blue Division on the occasion of the 78th anniversary of Krasny Bor, a battle of the Second World War in which Spanish volunteers participated under the command Adolf Hitler.


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