Who is Luis Rodríguez, the judge accused of receiving bribes


Carolina Pochetti, widow of former presidential secretary Daniel Muñoz, he admitted who has already paid bribes to a judge so that she did not investigate the money laundering maneuvers of which her husband was the protagonist. It's about Luis Rodríguez, who is before the Federal Court N ° 9 since 2012.

Rodríguez has been working for justice for 40 years, but he was in charge of one of the 12 federal courts of Comodoro Py in 2012, under the Kirchner administration. At the level of the family, it is emphasized that the godfather of one of his daughters Javier Fernández, now a member of the National Audit Office of the Nation (AGN).

He entered the competition of the Council of the Judiciary, where his wife Silvia Arcos Valcarcel worked as legal secretary of the General Secretariat. There, he would meet a judge that Fernandez recognizes as a friend of childhood: Eduardo Farah, who was jury of the contest.

Rodriguez is registered, but he could not avoid being dragged into controversy. It has integrated the complementary list that the Council has sent to the national executive and has been chosen between the four that the government of Cristina Kirchner sent to the Senate, as he recalled Clarin.

Among the most noteworthy causes dealt with by his court, there is one who investigated the call for bids of a high-speed train by the former Secretary of Transport, Ricardo I love. He also sued former treasurer Angelina Abonna in connection with a fraudulent management case of Aerolineas Argentinas.

Rodriguez JA licensed Muñoz and Pochetti in July 2015, as part of an investigation into a statement by former Kirchner's private secretary, Miriam Quiroga, about alleged purses addressed to the former head of state . But a second time, the magistrate again took advantage of this marriage by granting the freedom to Pochetti in another case, which was investigating the appearance of Muñoz in the Panama Papers.

Luis Rodríguez, the judge accused of receiving bribes.
Luis Rodríguez, the judge accused of receiving bribes.

The widow of Muñoz was accepted a few days ago by Bonadio as "imputed collaborator"and added in this way to the long list of repentants in the cause of the notebooks.

The lawyer Miguel Ángel Plo, former defender of Pochetti, was also arrested in connection with this investigation. For justice, the lawyer participated in the maneuvers of wash the money that the former secretary of Néstor Kirchner would have hidden in the United States.

In addition to Plo, Federico Zupicich was also arrested, who allegedly took part in the maneuvering of selling Muñoz 's properties in Miami and transferring money – about $ 70 million – to tax havens.


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