It was the first time Mercedes Miranda (28) was encouraged to participate in a competition to show off his tattoos, which he began to perceive in his body at age 19. She took heart, accepted the invitation of Martin De Angelis and Poly Pocket, her tattoo artists, and was crowned.
Somewhat nervous, she arrived at a steady pace, mounted on her brides, buckles and platform black high heels. He took the stage set up at the 15th edition of Tattoo show at La Rural where he competed with nine other girls, each representing the studio in which they are tattooed.
The final pbad surprised her and after being among the best tattooed, she was consecrated Miss Tattoo 2019. "The audience voted through the applause and in addition, he gave me the Lourdes Award, my favorite bandana!", admits Mercedes to Infobae.
– How did you arrive at the contest?
-I met my tattoo artists in the Bond Street Gallery, where I work on the sale of brides. They have their studio there and I hardly saw what they did that I loved: Poly made realism and color style and Martín tatúa in black and gray. I've always loved his job because he makes skulls and macabre designs, things that he likes and cherishes me. So they proposed to represent them in the competition of the Tattoo show, from this year, the candidates must represent a stand and they wanted me to be. So I went. It was the first time, not only that I was competing, but that I was going to the show, and I am very happy.
Tattoo lovers know that there is always a first tattoo, but not a last tattoo, because the strange sensation of pbadage the needles on the skin generate a sensation as pleasant as an addiction. Thus began the brand new champion and student of design and visual communication of the University of Lanús, a path whose fate seems uncertain and tempting.
Did the first shots arrive soon after reaching the age of majority and have their own money: "I started tattooing 19 years in a neighborhood studio near my home in Lomas de Zamora, but she said: "You declare everything you want, but I will not pay you!", He celebrates the memory and continues: "Fortunately, I finished my secondary education and I immediately started working to pay them. I started and I did not stop. And I plan to continue! "
-What was your first tattoo?
-I made a skull in profile, very small and with a wing. It was very beautiful this tattoo, but it was lost among others because, when I was growing up, I realized that the tattoos I had were like stickers and that I was not very happy to Having this wave, that's why I decided to tattoo patterns similar to composition. Looking for this, I started tattooing myself with Martín, which made me make full drawings. With him, I became the second: a skull on the left arm and, as a child, I always loved cars, I asked him to design a skull that fascinates me, as well as two crossed pistons instead of bones.
It was the beginning of a new style: the artistic tattoo, that there is no return, they say. "Today, I tattooed both arms, back, chest, part of belly and legs. There I have two large blankets that Martin has also made. Poor man! I must make a monument because he covered me with tattoos very badly done! ", Look at the man whose work, drawings and prolixity convinced her not to go through another study.
Although Mercedes has most of her body with ink, there are still untattooed areas: "If I wear a shirt and pants, I do not see a single tattoo because in the neck and in the hands I do not have, in the feet either and in the face less. Well, for the moment I do not have it! ", He's laughing.
In this way, Merce, as her family says, she made the path that last Sunday dedicated as a woman to the best tattoos of the exhibition. She looks pleased with her Gothic style.
When he was reminded of the timing of the election, he confessed: "I had come to think that there would be a jury, I did not really know how this was going to happen. Was because I had never gone to the show because, even though I like tattoos, I do not like to walk in the tumult of people. It was the first time I went to the tattoo parlor, and as a candidate, it was very intense, because when I discovered that the vote depended on the public, I wanted to commit suicide.
The contest gathered the 10 selected, all were put in a row and, as they were named, they went ahead to show their drawings and the audience was instructed to vote according to the intensity of their applause. "We were four, then two and between that girl and I defined, and I stayed. I was very happy and Lourdes, who was really my favorite bandana and that I've always loved, offered me a bouquet of flowers and the Miss Tattoo of Brazil, the price"
Mercedes likes to draw, make drawings and she wants to work from that. She is currently working two days a week in a shop as a saleswoman. She takes the time to devote herself fully to the career of her choice.
"I am in university, I have all the necessary materials and I am ready to start the third year.I want to work on it.My desire is to work on what I am pbadionate about and pbadionate about ", he says confessing that he loved tattoos and design. he can not imagine joining his pbadions on the other side of the ink, as does his idol, Kat Von D.
"I did a tattoo clbad, but I do not have patience with people, that's my big problem"admits laughing.
"I talk to a lot of tattoo artists in the gallery and they tell me every story … People who faint, feel bad or can not bear the pain and ask them to stop a tattoo No, no, I'm not ready for that! " , recognize.
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