Who is the "brave" girl who broke the security fence to give a letter to Pope Francisco – 06/02/2019


He came out of the crowd at full speed. He was carrying a piece of paper in his hand. A map. And directed directly to dad Francisco who was on board the bridge, waving from left to right thousands of faithful Abu Dhabi. The long, cowardly hair ran, pulling like a hare to all the security and guards who were running away. But Francisco gave the order to stop the car. Y the little girl handed him her letter. Bergoglio blessed her with a hand on his forehead. Y she started crying.

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What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

The scene took place on Tuesday during the last day of Pope Francis in Abu Dhabi. a historic tour of less than three days, the first of a pope in the Arabian Peninsula and with which he sought to build bridges with Islam.

The Pope had just arrived at the Zayed Sports Stadium to celebrate Mbad in front of 170,000 people at the biggest public rally in the Emirates when the little girl seemed to be running.

A guard eventually raised the girl so that she could reach her letter to the pope.

The scene was recorded by surveillance cameras.

The little girl stands up in front of the pope to deliver her letter. / AFP

The little girl stands up in front of the pope to deliver her letter. / AFP

And when the Argentine pontiff, a few hours later, joined the journalists aboard the plane that brought them back to Rome, he spoke of this "brave" little girl, when the journalist Sofía Barbarani The National I ask him:

-Hello! The question we want to ask the Abu Dhabi group is this: a girl gave him a letter, he gave it to him when he was in the car. We would like to know if you have already read the letter and if …

-No more … The letters are there, I clbadify them to read them later.

Can you tell us what impression he gave you when he saw this little girl come to you … that girl who came out of the crowd?

– It's a brave girl! But they stopped her … Let her come, but this girl has a future, huh? She has a future … and I dare say: poor husband …! You have a future, you are brave, it has pleased me! It takes a lot of courage to do that, then another followed, there were two … He saw that and was full of courage.

The name of the girl did not come out right away.

Francisco receives Gabriela's letter. / AFP

Francisco receives Gabriela's letter. / AFP

But the New Gulf of the United Arab Emirates He explained a little more.

The baby is Colombian. And he traveled 13,000 kilometers to deliver his letter to the pope. She calls Gabriela.

The girl traveled with her family to Abu Dhabi just to see Pope Francis.

When he went to meet Francisco, he shouted: "I want the Pope to read my letter!". The rest was an accomplished mission: the image of Gabriela's face was excited and the pope smiled in admiration.

The excited baby. The pope already has the letter. / AFP

The excited baby. The pope already has the letter. / AFP

Gabriela's mother wanted the Pope to read the letter.

It is common for boys to race to meet Francisco wherever he is.

Two little brothers enter the stage of the Paul VI hall while Pope Francis presides over his general audience on Wednesday.

Two little brothers enter the stage of the Paul VI hall while Pope Francis presides over his general audience on Wednesday.

In 2015, a five-year-old girl ran to the pope during a parade in the United States to deliver another letter, written in pencil.

Source: AP, The New York Times and Gulf News


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