Who is the exotic king Mswati III of Swaziland who meets Macri – 20/03/2019


Mauricio Macri will meet the exotic king of a South African country located between South Africa and Mozambique, as part of the launch of the 2nd United Nations High-level Conference on Cooperation South-South.

It is Mswati III of the State of Swaziland, which was renamed in 2018, by order of the absolutist monarch: "Kingdom of eSwatini", country of the Swazis, the ethnic majority of the Bantu of the country.

King Mswati III travels to Argentina for the South-South Cooperation Summit of the United Nations General Assembly. (Photo: New Observer)

King Mswati III travels to Argentina for the South-South Cooperation Summit of the United Nations General Assembly. (Photo: New Observer)

The king who inherited from his father's power in 1986, during the 50th anniversary celebration of independence, which coincided with his 50th birthday, he made the announcement. And among his arguments, he said that people are confused with Switzerland, because of the similarity in English between Swaziland and Switzerland.

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But changing the name of the last African monarchy, which was under the British protectorate from 1871 until its independence in 1968, or using traditional clothing, are not the only eccentricities of a king whose Fortune is valued at $ 200 million.

Mswati III is also questioned for his luxury life, which he showed construction of a mansion for each of his 15 wives, to which BMW also gave them, or use your private plane to travel to Las Vegas with three of your wives, A group of 56 people including children, bodyguards and servants, and staying in exclusive villas at $ 360 per person per night.

According to The United NationsMore than 60% of the population lives below the poverty line, the life expectancy of its population is 49 years and one in five people are living with HIV.

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"His Majesty", as the media of his country call it, has a controversial tradition called "Reed Dance" or "Umhlanga". ceremony to which all the virgins of the country, often more than 60 000, come on foot from their villages to dance in front of the king. During the eight days of celebration, teens attend clbades in history, education and traditional aspects of Swazi culture. The king also takes advantage of reed dancing to discuss his subjects, explain the dangers of HIV, and dance together dressed in traditional Swazi costume.

The "Baile de la Caña" The ceremony in which all the virgins of the country appear before the king, who chooses one as his wife. (Photo: AP)

The "Baile de la Caña" The ceremony in which all the virgins of the country appear before the king, who chooses one as his wife. (Photo: AP)

In 2001, the monarch Forbidden intercourse for all children under the age of 18 as an attempt to fight HIV. Although he himself broke his own law and two months later, he chose a ninth wife, aged 17. He paid a cow for fine.

King Mswati III went to our country with a delegation of the royal family, his Minister of Information, Communications and Technology and Princess Sikhanyiso.

Following his meeting with President Macri, the monarch will visit Bariloche, as part of the South-South Cooperation Summit, to seek "opportunities and strengthen relations with other developing countries".

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