Who is the judge who sentenced Lula da Silva for another corruption case – 06/02/2019


Judge Gabriela Hardt, who sentenced Wednesday Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva Twelve years and eleven months in prison for money laundering and corruption seem to be the new "enemy" of the former president. The magistrate was responsible for the case Lava Jato provisionally, replacing Sergio Moro, the popular anti-corruption judge who succeeded Jair Bolsonaro as Minister of Justice.

Hardt, 42, is considered a judge of "hard line". Judge since 2009, already had a strong counterpoint with the leader of the Workers' Party when he testified on 15 November at the trial for alleged bribes received as part of the renovation of the Atibaia farm in San Pablo.

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Monday to Friday afternoon.

That day, Lula left for the first time the police unit where he has been detained since April 7 to go to court. The interrogation was shorter and less tense than that of last May with Moro – converted into a "sworn enemy" of the former president – without being immune to hard times.

At the beginning of the session, Lula and Judge Hardt briefly discussed when the former president asked if the court saw him as the owner of the Atibaia ranch. The magistrate said the prosecution was not about property and ended Lula's attempts to argue, warning that the interrogation was under his charge.

"If you start on this tone with me, we will have problems," he badured.

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In this new process, the former president (2003-2010) reacts to accusations of pbadive bribery and money laundering – the same ones for which he is serving a 12-year sentence and a month – this time for apparently helping the OAS builders and Odebrecht contracts with the state-owned company Petrobras in exchange for work on a farm located in Atibaia, in the lands of São Paulo.

The case for which he is already imprisoned – because he was convicted in the second instance – refers to a department of the city of Guarujá, also in the state of São Paulo, which is the only place in the city. he allegedly received bribes from the construction company OAS for having a contract. public works.

In both cases, Lula pleads innocent and ensures that the processes are part of a plot against him.

Hardt was appointed federal judge in 2009 for a court in Paranaguá, in the state of Paraná. In 2014, she was appointed deputy judge in Curitiba and replaced Sergio Moro when he went on vacation. He recalled the G1 site of the Globo network. On one of these occasions, last May, Hardt ordered the arrest of former Lula minister, José Dirceu, also charged with investigating the Petrobras Corruption Network. The decision was later quashed by the Federal Supreme Court.

Married and the mother of two daughters, the judge is also an athlete, dedicates to swimming and participates in aquatic marathons, swimming five kilometers in open water.


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