Who is the Juninense who cut his genitals on the Chilean border?


It has been identified by the authorities of the neighboring country. He is admitted out of danger after being found injured and half naked near the Mamuil Malal border crossing. The man said that he had himself caused the injuries.

The news that a man – of Argentine nationality – was found near the border post of Mamuil Malal, with severed and half-naked bads, would have touched the two Argentines and the Chileans.

According to La Voz de Pucón, the man, identified as Néstor AF, who resided in Junín de los Andes before settling in Quelhue sector of this city, refuses to collaborate with trans-Andean researchers to understand facts and even came to tell them that he had himself caused the injuries.

"Indeed, a terrible news was discovered, a very complex situation around 7 am in the area of ​​Puesco, after the Carabineers of the Curarrehue detachment arrived at this place, where they found a completely cut off Argentine citizen. clothes in its lower part ", explained today afternoon Mauricio Ojeda, governor of the province of Cautín.

"He was discovered by a man driving a Vialidad truck, he realizes that there is a kind of bulge on the left side of the road and when he goes to see him there is a person. At first, he thought he was crushed, but he was a little moved and realized that he was alive, "continued the manager.

Ojeda added that Néstor A. F. regularly entered the neighboring country. "It would be an Argentine citizen who would officially enter the country," he said.

This same medium indicates that the man is out of danger and is recovering at the regional hospital. The police found the rest of their bads in the same area as the Argentine citizen.

The case will continue to be the responsibility of the Police Investigation Section (SIP) of the Pucón Carabineros.


Terrible: they find a man with mutilated bads on the Chilean border


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