Who is the Yankee who killed the pregnant woman and abducted the baby to raise him? | Chronic


This Wednesday the body of Marlen Ochoa- López, an eight – month pregnant woman, 19 years old, missing for more than a month, in Chicago, United States. As it could be determined, they found her in the same house where her baby was rescued by the emergency services on April 23rd, that they took him to the belly after the l '. to have strangled.

Marlen was cruelly murdered by Clarisa Figueroa46 years old and her daughter Desiree Figueroa, 24 years. Clarisa, she had asked Desiree to help plan the murder of Ochoa-Lopez. Her goal was to stay with the girl's baby and raise her like hers.

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Apparently, Clarisa had developed an obsession with babies since the death of her son Emilio, 20, in an accident last year. Her desire to be a mother grew stronger four months ago when Désirée became pregnant. It was at this time that the 46-year-old woman decided that it was time to have her own child take care of her grandson.

Clarisa has constantly shared images of her son Emilio on networks (Source: Facebook).

In the first place, he thought that it would be enough to buy a doll that seemed real. However, when he started looking for visual artists and seeing their works, they caused him so much tenderness that he decided that it would be better to have a real baby, even if it was not. 39, one of them. On April 1, she asked her daughter to help her "kill a pregnant woman to keep her child".

He has subscribed to different Facebook pages, until he finds a group of young mothers who help each other financially. There, she contacted Ochoa-López, to whom she promised to donate baby clothes to take her home. A few days before the meeting with the teenager, the woman claimed to be pregnant in her social networks and with her neighbors. He even conditioned a room in his house with a crib so that he was busy with Marlen's baby.

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When the 19-year-old finally arrived home, deceived, Desiree distracted her with a photo album of her dead brother. Moments later, Clarisa surprised her from behind and hung her up with a cable TV. Once he had stopped breathing, Figueroa pulled the baby from his belly with the help of a kitchen knife. Then he got rid of the girl's body. With the help of her boyfriend, Piotr Bobakand his daughter, they put him in a trash can in the yard of his house. Immediately afterwards, she called 911 and announced that she had just given birth to a "pale and blue" baby.

On the left, Clarisa with her son Emilio, on the right, next to Marlen Ochoa-López's son (Source: Facebook).

From that moment until their discovery on May 15, Clarisa claimed to be the mother of the newborn. He accompanied him to the hospital and even launched a campaign on the GoFoundMe.com website in order to obtain financial aid and to organize funerals for the cerebrally born child. died because of the violence with which he was removed from Ochoa's body. – Lopez.

Anyway, at the hospital, the doctors subjected Figueroa to different tests, because when he came with the baby, he was covered with blood. To their surprise, the results revealed that the woman was not the mother of the child. However, the authorities at the hospital took two weeks to report to the police the appearance of a lady splashed with blood with a child who was not his.

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On May 7 only, the police managed to badociate the disappearance of the pregnant teenager with the 911 call and his appearance at the baby's hospital. On that day, Marlen's relatives asked the detectives to check their social networks and discovered the messages exchanged between Figueroa and the 19-year-old girl.

For the crime, are also accused Desiree Figueroa and Piotr Bobak (Source: Twitter).

When the police went to Clarisa's house to interrogate him, they searched the building and found Ochoa-López's dead body in a garbage bin. In addition, they found evidence of use of detergent, as well as burned clothes and blood of the victim. Finally, they performed DNA tests on the newborn that showed that Marlen and her husband, Yiovanni LópezThey were his parents.

At this time, Clarisa and her daughter Desiree are in custody, charged with murder. The Cook County Judge, Susana Ortiz, he refused them the bail because he considers that they represent a danger "real and present" for the community. In the same way, I acted with Bobak, the mother's 40-year-old boyfriend, accused of hiding the homicide.


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