Who is the young woman trained in Cuba who served as a bridge between the FARC and the Venezuelan army and was arrested due to the conflict in Apure – Infobae


  1. Who is the Cuban-trained young woman who served as a bridge between the FARC and the Venezuelan army and was arrested due to the conflict in Apureinfobae
  2. Hot border: FARC claim to have eight Venezuelan soldiers as “prisoners of war”THE NATION
  3. The crude story of the mother of one of the Venezuelan soldiers whom the FARC have as prisoners of warinfobae
  4. Venezuelan NGO denounces the disappearance of 3 soldiers during a border fightinfobae
  5. Juan Guaidó questioned the Maduro regime to find out who will answer for the eight Venezuelan soldiers kidnapped by the FARCinfobae
  6. See full coverage on Google News
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