WHO opposes mandatory covid vaccine: what it prefers | The debate around vaccination campaigns


World Health Organization (WHO) does not approve of mandatory covid-19 vaccination in no country, no matter how much it promotes the importance of immunization. This is what the UN-dependent agency said before several countries considered imposing its obligation.

“In general, the WHO opposes any compulsory vaccination”, summed up the spokesperson for the organization Fadela Chaib at a press conference. The spokesperson noted that “We should explain to the general population how vaccines work and how important they are” rather than establishing their compulsory nature.

Chaib further noted that vaccines are just “one of the many tools we have in our hands” to fight the pandemic of coronavirus. What the WHO spokesperson said is in line with what the organization’s experts have repeated throughout this year: that vaccines are essential, but they are not enough in the fight against the coronavirus. and must be combined with sanitary measures which already last year were generalized to stop the contagion.

Some of the measures indicated by WHO specialists to stop the spread of SARS-CoV-2 include the use of a chin strap, frequent hand washing, ventilation of homes, distancing and avoiding places crowded.

Countries that analyze the vaccine obligation

The use of coercive measures to increase the number of vaccinated is seen as an alternative against the pandemic by countries such as Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States. In each of these countries, there are sectors that reject the imposition of the compulsory nature of the covid vaccine.

So far, some 4.4 billion doses of the covid vaccine have been administered worldwide. In countries like Spain, France, Canada, UK or Germany, the percentage of people already fully vaccinated is around 60% (it drops to 50% in the US), while in many low-income countries it is barely 1%.


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