WHO said there was no reason to stop using the Oxford and AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine


Photo of a vial of AstraZeneca COVID-19 EFE / EPA / LUONG THAI LINH vaccine
Photo of a vial of AstraZeneca COVID-19 EFE / EPA / LUONG THAI LINH vaccine

A World Health Organization expert advisory committee is reviewing AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine after some countries have stopped distribution, but there is no reason not to use it.

Spokeswoman Margaret Harris said in a briefing that it was an “excellent vaccine” and that a causal relationship between the vaccine and blood clotting reports had not been demonstrated.

“To date, it has not been proven that there have been deaths due to vaccination”

“Yes, we must continue to use the AstraZeneca vaccine”, “there is no reason not to use it”, Harris said at a press conference in Geneva.

Several countries on Thursday suspended the use of this inoculant for fear of blood clots, urging the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to quickly assure the public that there was no known health risk from the vaccine.

Some European countries have suspended the use of some lots and others of any dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine (REUTERS / Jose Cabezas)
Some European countries have suspended the use of some lots and others of any dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine (REUTERS / Jose Cabezas)

Norway, Denmark e Iceland suspended vaccination with AstraZeneca vaccine, while Austria will stop supplying a batch of these vaccines, despite reassuring statements from the EMA and the manufacturer.

Italy also decided suspend the use of a batch as a precaution, while four other European countries, –Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia Yes Luxembourg- they suspended the vaccines from another million-dose shipment, delivered to 17 countries.

These countries made the decision after knowing “About severe cases of blood clots in people who have been vaccinated with the AstraZeneca covid-19 vaccine”, according to a Danish statement.

For its part Austria has recorded one death as a result of “serious bleeding disorders”.

For the European Medicines Agency, the vaccine remains safe (EFE / EPA / LUONG THAI LINH / Archive)
For the European Medicines Agency, the vaccine remains safe (EFE / EPA / LUONG THAI LINH / Archive)

Harris dismissed the fears based on a WHO review: “We looked at the death data. To date, it has not been proven that there have been deaths due to vaccination “, He said.

He also stressed that “all signs of safety should be investigated” and that “we should always make sure to look for signs of safety when we are launching vaccines, and we need to look at them,” a- he declared.

EMA also considers it safe

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) also considers that ‘Keep giving’ AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine is the right thing in the European Union (EU): “The benefits of the vaccine continue to outweigh its risks”, supported the organization.

The EMA’s Safety Committee (PRAC), which met this Thursday to review all cases of thromboembolic events and other conditions related to blood clots, concluded that, for now, “There is no indication that the vaccination caused these conditions, which are not listed as side effects of this vaccine.”

With information from AFP, EFE and Reuters


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