Who wants to be a millionaire: grandparents who build toys to give to children without resources


The solidarity project of Victor and Rita calls UPA (United to help).

"The money we earn today has a sure fate – this money is the one that will give the best interest because it will not bring them back in money, but under the smile of the boys." Victor and Rita have been together for 61 years. "I met her at 18 and when we were 20, we got married," he says. Since every day together. "But over the last ten years, their lives have been improved by the decision to start making toys for children in dining rooms, low-income neighborhoods or low-income schools. seamstress, understood that the time had come to leave a legacy and they work seven days a week for him.

So was born
UPA (United to help), a space that today adds more and more proud volunteers and in which it goes from 2019 has already manufactured 13,000 toys. "We yearn for a boy when he's grown up, to remind us that someone has already given him a toy, and see if that illusion he felt at that time could repeat it. that way, more boys will have more toys, even when we're gone, "says the participant.

Who wants to be a millionaire

Work and effort are the beacon of marriage, because it is not a matter of buying in a toy store and delivering, but of making wooden vehicles, puzzles, pendants or cloth dolls, in a traditional way and from recycling, explains Victor: "From the beginning, I went to the containers to pick up discarded objects. She bought the fabric or donated it. Then I started consulting lumberjacks to see if they had leftover leftovers. We recycle everything that can be done.

And since it is not a question of purchase, but of creation, the 300,000 pesos taken Thursday evening will become an even bigger dream, the illusion of traveling inside to "be able to organize a workshop so that others people want to continue We want the work to continue, we already have the volunteers here, but our idea is to go inside and create the option not only for them to receive but also for 39, learn how to give to others, especially boys who have never had UPA has for slogan "A new toy, a toy for each boy". "

The future of Rita and Victor is the smile of a baby or a girl, the same smile with which they live a life together.



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