Who wants to become a millionaire? The father of Aaron, the blind boy who has to undergo surgery in China, won 300,000 pesos


In September, it is Aaron who operates and the family still does not have enough money for the trip.

The story of Aaron Alostiza has been circulating on social networks since the beginning of this year. That's why when he appeared in the audience

Who wants to be a millionaire

By encouraging his father Leandro with his twin brother Brandon and his mother, the viewers did not need further explanation.

The ten-year-old boy from Rosario was born premature, earning him a fifth-year retinopathy, a condition that prevents his retina from developing. Aaron 's parents consulted with all sorts of Argentine specialists, but none of them gave them the answer they wanted. Until they discover a treatment in China that, as his father explained, "could return between 20 and 50% of the sight".

The family has an appointment for September 9 but still does not reach the money needed to make the trip.
Let's open hearts for a light for Aaron is the account they have in different social networks and that has served as a stepping stone to generate a series of actions in search of funds. Although Leandro told him

Santiago del Moro

who already collected "25 thousand dollars" are still far from the goal.

"This stem cell treatment in China has given us hope that parents will be able to do something with it, we have already seen several cases in which treatment has worked more or less." Make it impossible for their children "said Leandro.

"We are very excited and nervous," Aaron told the audience. Throughout the night, he sat next to his father and even gave himself the pleasure of being, for a moment, the pilot of the program.

The value of a coffee at the bar, a beer or a few cigarettes, everything adds up, we need your help to materialize Aaron's dream of seeing a beautiful day like today for the first time! We have you!
pic.twitter.com/fY3mBdbeyT& – Let's open our hearts for a light for Aaron (@por_aaron)
February 7, 2019

While pursuing the dream of earning the most money for the trip, Leandro explained: "When they were born, they weighed more or less a kilo each, they spent three months in neonatology, they had virtually no hope In the collective, we did not know if, when we arrived at Neo, they would give us bad news, it was very difficult, and when they told us Aaron was going to become blind, it was also difficult, but with time, we realized that we were lucky to have him. "Today, Aaron does not lose his good mood and his brother Twin Brandon supports him: "He gives his support, his support, he helps a lot, he has always been at his side".

The Alostiza family closed the night with 300,000 pesos, which suggests that Aaron can see: "What we want is to give all the tools so that tomorrow when we are not, can move forward, "concluded his father.



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