Who wants to become a millionaire: the moving story of the girl who is cardboard and studies in nursing


Emilse lived on the street and, due to lack of resources, finished high school at age 19.

"With these 30,000 pesos, I am happy, the rest that I have, I have health, I have my daughter who is the greatest and God who always accompanies me. " The participant of

Who wants to be a millionaire

Emilse Martínez is 24 years old and has been a business owner for 10 years in the Caballito region. In search of progress, the participant began to study nursing: "I am in the first year, I practice Friday, I get up at three in the morning, at half past four, I start and I continue until 39 at three o'clock in the afternoon. "

From an early age, Emilse had to make very difficult decisions for someone of her age. Yet she had to face a difficult situation: "I had to leave school at age 14. To start working, my parents did not want me to leave, but when my father I could not do more, and the priority was my little brothers, because I had studies, I started to finish high school, it cost me dearly, I had a lot of bad things in my life, I even could have slept on the street with my sister Tamara because the more cardboard night was collected, I do not want the same thing to happen to my daughter, I want that she studies without worry. "

Emilse's daughter is one year and eight months old and she came into her life when her mother was about to let her arms fall. "When I touched the bottom, God helped me, she said," I have something beautiful prepared for you. "She was beautiful."

Today, Emilse and her husband Fabián have the simplest and most necessary dream: to be able to improve the sheet metal house of Barrio 20 de Junio ​​de Merlo, where they live: "this is part of the box and material, but if you see them, they are sorry because they are destroyed – he said

Santiago del Moro

– My dream would be to repair my house, give clothes to my baby and buy the items I need to badfeed which are very expensive. "

An exciting night, where in the studio and on social networks, the program's fans forced Emilse to progress in the game. The nursing student took 300,000 pesos and left a message to everyone: " Nobody says it's easy and less when you have no resources, but when you offer it and with God accompanying you, everything can be done. "



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