WHO warning on immunization of children and adolescents


The World Health Organization (WHO) recommend do not massively offer vaccines against the coronavirus to girls, boys and adolescents since they do not belong to a risk group and these drugs are rare in much of the world, although he recognizes that vaccination may be a priority in people with co-morbidities.

“I understand that some countries want to vaccinate their children and adolescents, but I urge you to reconsider “, said last May the director general of the health agency, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, pointing out that those in this age group are unlikely to get sick from Covid-19 and spread the disease.

While those who are progressing the fastest in their immunization campaigns such as the United States, European Union, Canada, Israel, Uruguay and Chile, among others, have started to vaccinate those under 18, it There are areas where health workers who fight viruses have not yet been immunized.

In this sense, the WHO recommendation is donate these inoculants to Covax, the mechanism born to reduce the gap in access to vaccines and which so far has only sent about 100 million doses in 134 countries, 5% of what is projected for 2021.

“When we start prioritizing people who should be vaccinated with limited stocks in mind, we recommend starting with healthcare workers and frontline workers who are at very high risk. high exposure to infection “WHO Chief Scientist Soumya Swaminathan said.

The Indian-born pediatrician cautioned: “Some children may be at increased risk for serious illness due to an underlying condition, vulnerabilities or co-morbidities. they could be prioritized for vaccines when they become available. “

WHO has approved the emergency use of six coronavirus drugs, but has so far only recognized that of Pfizer / BioNtech to be administered to young people between 12 and 15 years old.

According to the United Nations health agency, there are no efficacy or safety data for children under 12, so she urged not to routinely immunize them.


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