WHO warns the world has passed 4 million coronavirus deaths | More than 185.5 million cases are recorded


The World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed on Wednesday that the global death toll from the coronavirus has exceeded the 4 million and its CEO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, assured that “The world is at a dangerous time from this pandemic. “

We have just passed the tragic milestone of 4 million deaths from Covid-19“, declared the head of the WHO, during a press conference in Geneva. In this sense, Tedros criticized the rich countries which, with high vaccination rates, lift the restrictions and “relax as if the pandemic was over”.

The rapid circulation of new variants, and the uneven distribution of immunization among countries, has helped many regions “Are experiencing significant peaks in cases and hospitalizations», Explained the manager. “Vaccine nationalism, where a handful of nations have carved out the lion’s share, is morally indefensible and an ineffective public health strategy against a virus, ”he insisted.

In this line he warned that “Variants win vaccine race due to inequitable vaccine production and distribution“It is a threat, on the other hand, to the global economic recovery. It should not have been so and it should not be so in the future,” he added.

WHO statistics map

According to updated WHO figures, The world accumulates 4,011,889 deaths from the coronavirus and more than 185.5 million cases. Infections increased last week around the world, despite the fact that the weekly death toll was the lowest since last October.

More than 2.6 million new cases of coronavirus were notified by the WHO between June 28 and July 4, an increase from the previous week. As the number of deaths recorded during the week fell 7% to 54,000, the lowest weekly figure since October.

The European region, made up of 53 countries, recorded a “strong increase” 30% of the incidence of infection, while in Africa an increase in the 23% mortality due to Covid-19. All the regions in which the WHO divides the world except America, one of the hardest hit, and Southeast Asia reported an increase in deaths last week, the statement said. .

Most of the new cases, according to the WHO, have been recorded in Brazil and India, although the number of weekly cases in these two countries has declined.

Infections have increased in all 22 countries in the Eastern Mediterranean region after two months of steady decline due to increased international travel and limited vaccination. The region, which includes the Gulf countries, North Africa and Asia, recorded more than 11 million infections and more than 220,000 deaths since last year. Iran was the worst affected country in the region, followed by Iraq.


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