WHO warns vaccine is not enough to …


The Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, warned on Monday that the coronavirus vaccine would not be enough to end the pandemic. “A vaccine will complement the other tools we have, not replace them,” he said.

Ghebreyesus returned to a face-to-face meeting of the WHO executive board after being in quarantine since November 2 for coming into contact with someone who tested positive for the coronavirus.

Agency members tried to remain cautious after announcements of vaccine efficacy from Pfizer, the Gamaleya Institute and Moderna demonstrated in Phase III clinical trials.

“Initially, the workforce will be limited and therefore health workers, the elderly and those most at risk will be given priority, and we hope this will reduce the number of deaths and allow health systems to be resist”, Said Ghebreyesus.

However, the Director-General of WHO warned that this “will still leave plenty of room for the virus to function” and urged not to abandon measures that prevent the spread of the virus, such as testing, quarantines, mask use, hand washing, social distancing, and maintaining hygiene.


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