Who was Richard Huckle, UK’s worst pedophile murdered in his cell | the Chronicle


Richard william huckle was a convicted British pedophile arrested by the British National Crime Agency after being exposed and convicted of 71 counts of aggravated sexual assault on infants while posing as a teacher, photographer and devout Christian in Malaysia.

The British pedophile, who it is estimated that he abused nearly 200 children, was raped and murdered in prison on October 13, 2019, by another inmate who wanted to do it “Feel what their victims went through”.

The accused is described as one of the worst pedophiles ever seen in the UK, when he was only 28 when he was arrested. On June 6, 2016, he was sentenced to twenty-two life sentences with a minimum prison term of twenty-five years before he could apply for parole.

The childhood of the pedophile Huckle

Huckle was born to a middle class family in Ashford, Kent on May 14, 1986. He was educated at Harvey Grammar School, Folkestone, where his friends described him as “a bit lonely, but nothing fancy”.

The subject was an ordinary Christian Baptist church in Ashford, where he was described as a Tranquilo man. 8 was also a member of a church in London, who continued to attend until the time of his re-arrest in January 2015.

Details of his aberrant crimes

Huckle He shared videos of his child abuse on the internet and tried to get money from the filming. His victims were children from poor Christian neighborhoods in the Malaysian capital, whom he took advantage of.

In total, the courts presented 71 charges against him, which he pleaded guilty. “It is unusual for a judge to have to hand down sentences for sexual abuse committed on such a scale by one person,” Judge Peter Rook said.

Huckle was posing as a teacher.

Huckle first visited Malaysia at the age of 19, posing as a philanthropist and devout English teacher. He was arrested on his arrival in London to spend the Christmas holidays with his family in 2014.

The defendant wrote a manual entitled “Pederasty and poverty: a guide for the lover of children”, in which he admitted to having abused 191 children, as the trial revealed.

On one occasion, he commented on the internet: “Poor children are certainly much easier to attract than middle-class Western children.”. On another occasion, he bragged about a victim: “I won the lottery, a three year old girl who is as loyal as my dog, no one seems to care anymore.”

Murdered in a cell

On October 13, 2019, Huckle was found stabbed in his cell at Full Sutton Prison, aged 33. Apparently the attack was “carefully planned” and executed by Paul Fitzgerald, also imprisoned for crimes of a sexual nature.

Paul Fitzgerald planned the murder.

Fitzgerald would have raped Huckle with a kitchen utensil, strangled him with an electrical cord, stuck a pen through his nose in his brain. The victim also suffered blows to the face and kidney, as well as a stab wound to the neck.


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