WHO wonders if sexual addiction is an illness


The World Health Organization (WHO) acknowledged that "compulsive badual behavior" is a mental disorder, but has indicated that it is unclear when it is Is an addiction


The term "badual addiction" has been used for decades, but experts do not agree if it exists.

In the last update of Clbadification International of Diseases (CIE) Worldwide, WHO takes a step towards legitimation of the concept, by recognizing the "compulsive badual behavior disorder", or CSBD, as a mental disorder.

But the UN agency does not agree to link it to addictive behaviors such as addiction or gambling, and points out that research is still needed before considering the disorder as an addiction.

"Speaking moderately, we do not consider that the question … is equivalent to what happens with alcohol or heroin," AFP told AFP. WHO expert Geoffrey Reed

. of ICD, published last month, WHO reported that the CSBD is "characterized by a failure of intense control, due to repetitive badual impulses or urgent need (…) that causes stress ".

But this indicates that the scientific debate is still present to know if "the disorder of compulsive badual behavior is a manifestation of addictive behavior".

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