Who would vote in the STEP elections?


The result that will be announced in the general election of October is highly anticipated. As the government seeks to reduce the difference to the vote, in space Alberto Fernandez they believe that the benefit will be even wider than Mauricio Macri (Some think it will reach 54% of Cristina Kirchner in 2011).

For the moment, a survey conducted these days asked the following questions to 1,200 people: "Who will vote in elections for those who did not vote at the STEP?". Considering this request from Projection Management & Consulting, 47.3% would choose Alberto Fernández, while 45.8% would go to Mauricio Macri.


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That said, the investigation reveals that in October, in the presidential candidate of the Front of All, he would get 50.9% of the vote while his opponent Together for Change would win 33.7%, which shows that he would not have growth these months.


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