Whoa! The dog who sold desserts to pay for his chemotherapy started treatment | Chronic


A dog with cancer managed to raise the funds needed for his treatment, after the sister of his owner had shared tender photographs of the animal with posters "Vendo desserts to pay for my chemotherapy"They immediately became a sensation in their native Mexico.

Cristina Acosta was the one who adopted Deko. (Facebook)

In a 4 April Facebook post, the user – who identifies with the social network as Vanessa Euánof the Mexican State of Campeche, presented to the public the history of the & # 39; Deko & # 39;, recently adopted. According to him, a visit to the vet revealed a few weeks ago that the dog was suffering from "a type of cancer that occurs in animals".

I also read: A puppy sells desserts to pay for chemotherapy

"My sister recently adopted a small dog.All went very well until a few weeks ago.When it fell, we drove it to the vet and they detected & # 39; & # 39 ;. TVT& # 39; With the little money that my sister had at that time, dared to put the first chemotherapy, because the vet told us that it was curable cancer and that it was cured, but that we had not the means to pay for all the treatments and that he still misses. three chemists to apply. I write this in case you want to support us by buying desserts "Vanessa wrote on her Facebook profile.

In this way, she and her sister, Cristina Acostathey were responsible for preparing the Neapolitan flan, brownies and chocoflan they would deliver to the park, a previous order by inbox or by WhatsApp.

However, to everyone's surprise, Euán again issued a new message: "Some time ago, our vet contacted us to tell us that the chemo was already covered. And I really do not have the words to thank them for their support, the publication and sharing, or the people who donated, or those who asked where we would sell desserts"

"I never imagined that the publication would be so far reaching even people from other states"Vanessa writes, adding:"What I have collected in the desserts already ordered and other donations sent will be your responsibility, because it is rigorous for the treatment. And maybe not economically, but you can count on our total support to help other lomitos (puppies)"

Deko is still struggling to live. (Facebook)

Now, the sisters are supporting the puppy so that he can take his treatment as best as possible: "Every chemotherapy ends up being a little tired and sometimes, I think I do not know, that he's rested or that he continues this fight, but still, his face and his behavior wants to stay here with me and with all the people who want them… "Cristina said in a strangled voice.


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