Why a major mobile phone manufacturer is encouraging companies not to use them – 02/03/2019


"If I were to be a cellphone-free day, I would feel like I was missing something", say a lot of smartphone users. In fact, in recent years, cell phones have become an extension of people's bodies; they accompany them to work and to the bathroom, they see series on their screens, they review the movements of banks or are simple instruments to communicate with people.

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All life is recorded in these devices and hours go by without the eyes coming off their screens. Therefore, OnePlus decided that March 2 would be a "day without a mobile phone", with which "encourages everyone to participate and regain digital control of their lives".

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In this regard, the Chinese technology company has decided thatOnePlus social channels will remain disabled and company employees around the world will take the time to think about how they use their phones.

How to recover digital control of life

Similarly, and for anyone wishing to leave their smartphone, OnePlus ensures that small actions can be performed, such as activate the play mode, so the screen is black and white and excess in the brain caused by excess color is reduced.

Vacationers who can not disconnect from their phones and tablets. (Photo: Andres D & # 39; Elia)

Vacationers who can not disconnect from their phones and tablets. (Photo: Andres D & # 39; Elia)

You can also moves the most used apps to the secondary screen to avoid quick access via the main screen. It is an effective way to avoid the abuse of social networks or applications of other applications. In this line, they also advise to do conscious use apps like YouTube or Instagram.

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Another way to avoid frequent use of the smartphone is to: disable screen notifications. In this way, the user will not constantly receive information that calls on a specific application.

Finally, too Silent mode can be activated of the phone, so you do not have to take out the phone for all its sound.

Source: Portaltic


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