Why does Mercosur mean Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein?


EFTA is an badociation formed by Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechstestein., the countries "with open and developed economies with very high GDP per capita", according to the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs

At the World level, EFTA ranks ninth in merchandise trade and fifth in trade in services and has 29 free trade agreements covering 40 countries..

The Secretary for International Economic Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Horacio Reyserstressed that "EFTA agreement is part of Mercosur's modernization plan to turn it into a platform for the smart integration of its members into the global economy".

"The negotiation is important not only economically and commercially, but also of strategic importance, and will be complemented by the future Mercosur-European Union agreement, which covers markets in this region that are not part of this bloc. Regional and Closure of the Circle of Europe "added the official in a statement.

Negotiations will continue until the Ministry of Foreign Affairs until next Friday and the Mercosur delegation is headed by the Under-Secretary of Mercosur and Argentina's international economic negotiations, Victorio Carpintieri, while the EFTA delegation is chaired by Jan FarbergDirector General of the Norwegian Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Fisheries.

"On this occasion, work will continue on the basis of the commitments made at previous meetings to advance the exchange of information on access to goods, services, investments and services. purchases of public authorities "said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


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