Why is Homophobia Day celebrated on May 17?


This happened in 1990, at a general badembly of the WHO. However, the first year of celebration took place in 2005, while she was still calling International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia. In 2015, biphobia (hate towards bibaduals) was incorporated.

However, many LBTIQ + organizations prefer avoid using the term "phobia" because they understand that rejection towards this group does not have to do with fear or hate but with discrimination Therefore, they choose to call the International Day of Action against discrimination based on badual orientation and gender identity.

This year, the motto is "Justice and Protection for All", in protest in places around the world where members of the LGBTIQ + community are still afraid to live a free life.

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Activities in Neuquén

The Provincial Department of Diversity of the Ministry of Citizenship held this Friday in San Martin de los Andes the "Provincial Day of Diversity and Health Education". More than one hundred doctors, psychologists, social workers, nurses and agents from the public and private health system in the south of the province attended the meeting.

In addition, representatives of the organization participated in Santiago del Estero from the 3rd National Congress on Education and Diversity ESI.

Meanwhile, at the National University of Comahue (UNCo), a leaflet was organized by the social organization CEPA and the Bureau for Equality Neuquén.


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