Why is International Kissing Day celebrated today – News


The balance sheet of a Thai couple, who in a contest kissed for 46 consecutive hours, installed on April 13 as International Kissing Day which is celebrated – always with different popularity – in different parts of the world.

The record that gave rise to this date was however exceeded the following year: the same pair reached a mark of 58 consecutive hours.

“Beyond the ridiculousness of the competition, it is important to think of such a daily gesture but in reality it is of vital importance in human bonds,” said Valeria Schapira, journalist and writer expert in bonds for the firm of advice. Match.com.

A source of stimulation of reproductive mechanisms, kisses reduce levels of cortisol – a stress hormone – and increase levels of oxytocin. However, the importance of this seemingly worldly gesture is great.

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“90% of people remember their first kiss and, at the same time, one in four people admitted to ending a relationship because their partner had not kissed well,” Schapira warned exhaustively, citing a survey conducted by Match.com.

“Quality is usually a determining factor as a measure of erotic interest. Each kiss has a special meaning according to the language of gestures and varies between cultures, but there is no doubt about something: when there is has chemistry between two people – anything like that – the kiss is as communicative as the look, it’s a thermometer that never fails, ”says the expert.


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