why is it celebrated on april 23


the 23 april was chosen as “International Book Day” by an incredible coincidence very special in the literary field,

Since 1988, it has been a international celebration promoted by UNESCO and approved by the international organization on November 15, 1995. Since then, April 23 is the “International Book and Copyright Day”.

History of the Book Day

But why the 23 april? That day, supposedly, they agreed in 1616, the death of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra (died on 22 but buried on 23) and William Shakespeare (although he actually died on April 23 of the Julian calendar, which corresponds to May 3 of the Gregorian calendar).

Anyway, the strange coincidence of writers The most important Spanish and English speaking groups have led to the choice of this date, and each year universal homage is paid to books and authors, encouraging humanity to rediscover the pleasure of reading.


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