Why is the fall beginning today and not the 21st of March?


The transition will take place today at 18:58 and will coincide with the last super-moon of the year, which will be 30% brighter and 14% larger as it will reach its closest position to the Earth. .

Many believe that, according to popular belief, fall will begin on March 21st. In fact, the beginning of the transition to this season will take place today at 18:58 and, in addition, will coincide with the last super moon of the year.

In the fall, as days go by, daylight hours slowly decrease.

The arrival of the station is marked by the phenomenon of the equinox, which also marks the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere. This event occurs when the sun is placed on a point of the equatorial line, so that light and heat are distributed similarly in both hemispheres. That makes the day and the night last the same thing.

In turn, the equinox will be accompanied by the third supermoon followed up this year and the last time the moon is in its closest position to our planet during its entire phase.

The famous "harvest" will be 30% brighter and 14% larger because it will reach the nearest point of the Earth. The event did not coincide with the equinox since 2000 and would not recur before 2030 at the same time.


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