Each year, the Chinese horoscope is represented by an animal. This time, the protagonist is the pig, and there is a powerful motive that will transcend the life of each sign of the zodiac.
In Chinese culture, each year bears the name of one of the 12 animals that make up the horoscope Chinese In 2018, he was represented by the dog, while in 2020, it should be the year of the rat. This February 5, 2019, began the Chinese New Year, and has the pig as protagonist.
The Chinese New Year is also known as the Spring Festival and "works like a cycle in which animals are given a year every 12 years". Since now is the cycle of pork, in the horoscope The Chinese, the people born in the years 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007 and 2019, are represented by the said animal.
According to legend, the Jade Emperor organized a different animal race and the result was one that determined who was the strongest to be included in the race. horoscope Chinese
In the Chinese tradition, to receive a new year implies the possibility of strengthening the family ties, cleaning the house to eliminate old and negative energies, as well as to attract luck.
To succeed, one of the traditions is to prepare a noodle soup with cupcakes, to represent gold and luck. Although the use of red color, it is relevant as a protective shield to avoid harm and threats.
Horoscope: what kind of people attract you according to your zodiac sign
Source: New woman
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