Why Manuel Belgrano created the Argentine flag – 27/02/2019


This 27th of February, the Argentine flag celebrates 207 years. Although theFlag day It is celebrated every 20th of June as a tribute to its creator, Manuel Belgrano (died the same day of the year 1820), the national badge has its own birthday, dating back to 1812.

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The historian Felipe Pigna explains the context of its origin: "At the end of 1811, the Spanish attacks on the coast of Paraná multiplied and the Triumvirate ordered Manuel Belgrano to leave Rosario with an army corps on January 24. 1812 He managed to control the Spanish aggressions and install a battery in the ravines of Paraná, which he called Libertad ".

General Manuel Belgrano, creator of the national flag.

General Manuel Belgrano, creator of the national flag.

At that time, Belgrano asked and obtained the permission of his soldiers. they will wear a rosette. Thus, February 18, 1812 a "national rosette of the united provinces of Rio de la Plata of two colors, white and blue sky was created, the red being abolished ".

Flag Day celebrations in Rosario, June of last year. (Photo: Juan José García)

Flag Day celebrations in Rosario, June of last year. (Photo: Juan José García)

Carry on Pigna: "Belgrano was enthusiastic and announced to the Triumvirate that on February 23, 1812, he had handed the rosettes to his troops so that they" have just confirmed to our enemies the firm resolution in which we support the independence from America ". He was one of the few who dared to use the word independence."

The Belgrano flag was restored between June 2007 and December 2009. (Photo: Andres D & # 39; Elia)

The Belgrano flag was restored between June 2007 and December 2009. (Photo: Andres D & # 39; Elia)

However, Bernardino Rivadaviasecretary of the Triumvirate, did not want to displease Britain, now allied with Spain. Then the word "independence" was elusive.

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On the contrary, it happened with Belgrano. Striving to advance on the path of freedom, February 27, 1812 inaugurated a new battery, which he named Independence.

The Argentine flag, symbol of independence.

The Argentine flag, symbol of independence.

"BelgranoWhat? I did not have time to walk looking at the sky and wait for the ideal cloud to create "our national flag", he trained his troops in front of a banner that María Catalina Echeverría, a neighbor of Rosario, had sewn. He had the colors of the rosette and his creator ordered his officers and his soldiers to pledge allegiance to him by saying: "Swear to overcome his enemies inside and outside, and South America will be the temple of the Independence and Freedom, "said Pigna.

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But Rivadavia objected and ordered him in a letter to keep this flag and continue to use the. "The demonstration with which your Lordship has inflamed the troops of his command wearing the white and blue flag is in the eyes of this government of influence able to destroy the foundations with which our operations are justified, "says the document.

Act made in 2004 in Rosario in tribute to the Argentine flag. (Photo: EFE)

Act made in 2004 in Rosario in tribute to the Argentine flag. (Photo: EFE)

The answer of Belgrano You can see what I want from you, baduming firmly that my conscience is calm and does not lead to that, or to other manifestations of my wishes for the happiness and glory of the Fatherland. , other interest than the same, I will accept with resignation all suffering, It will not be the first time that I should proceed with honesty and patriotic enthusiasm"He wrote.

The restaurateurs María Pía Tamborini and Patricia Lissa work on the Belgrano flag in 2009. (Photo: Andres D & # 39; Elia)

The restaurateurs María Pía Tamborini and Patricia Lissa work on the Belgrano flag in 2009. (Photo: Andres D & # 39; Elia)

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A curiosity: that same flag was lost for yearsuntil it is discovered in a Bolivian chapel, in 1883. L & # 39; s explanation? Before the defeat at Ayohuma, in Upper Peru, Belgrano lived in this parish of Macha where two flags were hidden so that they do not fall into the hands of the realists, against those who fought. And they stayed there until the end of the 19th century.

In 1986, Bolivia (in an act of fraternity), handed the flag to Argentina, currently on display at the National Museum of History and restored between June 2007 and December 2009.



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