Why men do not consult on erectile dysfunction in time? | Rosario3.com


In the case of chest pain, for example, the person usually consults the doctor. But this attitude is usually very different from what happens before a problem of erection. In general, who suffers only from care that your penis is functional as soon as possible, without even wondering what is going on. "It's a trivialization of the penis, as if it was not an organ that is part of the human body," says Dr. Sergio Pusarelli, a urologist specializing in the treatment. of male badual dysfunctions in Boston Medical Group (BMG).

penile erection during a badual intercourse is not a voluntary movement like raising the finger, but is the physiological response of an organ (so that it always involves organic factors) to certain physical and mental stimuli that the person finds pleasurable (that is, that it always involves emotional factors).

"The way these organic and emotional factors act in everyone is what specialists need to do. discover when someone with badual dysfunction comes to the office, because to solve the problem it is necessary to see it for what it is, and not as the patient thinks, "said Pusarelli, to through the portal docsalud.

"Many men take it as if the erection was an obligation," said Dr. Fabián Gómez, also a medical urologist and counselor.Scientist BMG, who recalls that "in in addition, each man usually has three or four physiological erections per day, awake or asleep, without any need for erotic stimulation. "

Both physiological erections and those that are the product of erotic stimulation imply an intense blood flow to through the cavernous body through a network of many small arteries. "These natural processes oxygenate the tissues and help preserve erectile function, and when they do not, the cells begin to deteriorate. This is why it is very important that the person consult the doctor as soon as possible when she feels that she has erection problems, because in general they are reversible, but s & rsquo; They stay on time without treatment, they can become irreversible, "said Gómez. The importance of proper artery functioning for the erection to occur, it is easy to understand that the penis, as an organ, is one of the main candidates to be affected by any problem of the circulatory system: cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, hypertension. "Therefore, smoking, obesity, high cholesterol and other risk factors that affect overall health can also become risk factors for erectile dysfunction, so the problems of Erection should be a reason for medical consultation and that, apart from bad life, they "warn" of a greater threat to health, "says Pusarelli.

The well-known mythology about what masculinity should be – gender stereotypes – the connotations of power In the past, it has been called "helplessness" a medical problem and other cultural relics, still remain for many men – fortunately , less and less – an obstacle that prevents them from talking about the issue and delays the consultation.

Young people are much more free to talk about what happens to them in their bad life, but those who have them today are not free. Fifty They always have a very restrictive culture in general. This problem is highlighted by Pusarelli

When a patient arrives at the office suffering from an erectile dysfunction problem, the specialists apply a medical protocol whose first step is a detailed interrogation, supplemented by a battery of clinical studies, mainly vascular. . "From this a diagnosis is made, and the next step is to inform the patient why the problem is occurring, why it is perpetuated and how we are going to treat it," added the doctor.

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