Why not install a crazy roof on Notre-Dame – 24/04/2019


It turns out that now they want to make a international competition rethink the needle Our Lady. In other words, create a new one that may not take place with the Gothic building we all knew. Suddenly, after the fire, the French discovered that this pinnacle that reaches 90 meters seen from the ground, it's not as original as we thought.

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Now, do we have to rebuild Our Lady as she was or should we do it with a modern concept? Here, I will allow myself the luxury of leaving my opinion: Miguel Jurado I say you have to do everything new with a totally original design. Roof, pinnacle and all that burned. In addition, he would leave what is carbonized as a witness to the disaster. This is not a whim, I have my reasons and there are also clear examples like what he did Norman Foster in the German Parliament in Berlin. I tell you:

Reconstruction In 1999, Englishman Norman Foster inaugurated a new dome for the German Parliament. It's a vantage point with a helical rapa inside, which also makes it possible to see the parliament sessions from the top.

Reconstruction In 1999, Englishman Norman Foster inaugurated a new dome for the German Parliament. It's a vantage point with a helical rapa inside, which also makes it possible to see the parliament sessions from the top.

The famous "arrow" for which modern ideas are now sought was added by the architect Eugène Viollet-le-Duc in the middle of nineteenth centurywhen there was some kind of medieval fashion all over the world. Even here, in the Argentine pampas, where neo-Gothic left examples like Cathedral of La Plata, the Basilica of Lujan, the Capuchin Church of Cordoba, the Cathedral of San Isidro and the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Cécile de Mar del Plata, among other temples, not to mention the incomplete Faculty of Engineering Las Heras Avenue, Buenos Aires.

We have just learned that the Notre Dame that we all cry is as false as a bill of 12 pesos with fifty. That is, if we believe that it is medieval, we are wrong.

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Between 1830 and 1848, the French restored the worthy building they had on hand to recreate Size of the old regime. The Louvre, the Palace of Versailles and even the Basilica of St. Denis received their sad hand. In 1843 it was Notre Dame's turn with the address of the Viollet-le-Duc. The French were an eminence of Gothic architecture but not for ornamentation or for any religious attachment, it was that it seemed to be a model of virtuosity and economy in the use of materials. The authentic Gothic managed to build with very light stone churches for the views, as made of "filaments" of stone. The buttresses, arched arches and vaults of Notre-Dame have made large windows with stained glbad that hide the thick walls that the rock construction needs.

But back to the subject, Viollet was a fan of Gothic and seized Our Lady and gave her to have and to keep. Always thinking of the best for the building, the architect has beautifully put his hand. In fact, in addition to the "needle" of the case, the famous gargoyles these scary children are an invention of him.

Notre Dame View of the cathedral as she had the air until inciendio. It was one of the most visited sites in Paris.

Notre Dame View of the cathedral as she had the air until inciendio. It was one of the most visited sites in Paris.

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You will say, "Well, but they look good" and of course, they look good! but we do not know what it was before, if Viollet had left the cathedral as it was, we would have loved it anyway.

Moreover, when he grabs the handle of the cathedral, the very bold statues installed from Adam and Eve on the facade making sure that it was a faithful restoration of the original. And that's not all, at the foot of "the needle" he placed the statues of the apostles in a row, and the one that is bigger is the same dress St. Thomas.

Fire. The central spire of Notre-Dame Cathedral falls during a fire on Monday, March 15th. the fire touched much of the roof of the Gothic temple.

Fire. The central spire of Notre-Dame Cathedral falls during a fire on Monday, March 15th. the fire touched much of the roof of the Gothic temple.

For decades, specialists in Architectural Heritage they are divided between those who believe that what has been broken or lost is irretrievable and that a modern restoration must be carried out by differentiating the new from the original. On the other side of the crack Condoms are the ones who say that if you want to restore something, you can do it as before, when you use the same materials and techniques. You will imagine what I think.

Cathedral of La Plata. The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception is one of the largest churches in the world. It was designed by Ernest Meyer in 1898. Its neo-Gothic style was inspired by the Gothic cathedrals of Amiens (France) and Cologne (Germany). Photo: Nievas

Cathedral of La Plata. The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception is one of the largest churches in the world. It was designed by Ernest Meyer in 1898. Its neo-Gothic style was inspired by the Gothic cathedrals of Amiens (France) and Cologne (Germany). Photo: Nievas

A good example of what can be done when you have to rebuild something destroyed is the dome of the Reichstag designed by the architect Norman Foster complete the building of the German legislative power destroyed by the Nazis.

Far from repeating the original cover, the English who, in Buenos Aires, made the seat of the City Governmenthe built a glbad dome with a panoramic view of Berlin and the debate room of the German parliament. Today, this space is one of the most visited tourist attractions of the city. The public can reach its interior by several spiral steel ramps.

Basilica of Lujan. The Holy Family of Luján is a Creole example of neo-Gothic. It was inaugurated in 1935.

Basilica of Lujan. The Holy Family of Luján is a Creole example of neo-Gothic. It was inaugurated in 1935.

Of course, the Reichstag is a building of nineteenth century, not as old as the cathedral of Cuasimodo, but the Gothic has its own characteristic: it was built over the centuries and, although we do not see it, the same preserves of Our Ladyslightly different styles.

In 1163, Gothic construction begins on an original Romanesque building, when the construction of the present cathedral begins. The construction lasted until the middle of the 14th century with subtle changes of style as the builders became more skilled in the treatment of stone. Twenty years later, the large central nave was built. From 1200, we begin to build the western front with its two mocha towers. Fifty years later, the other sides are finished. At the end of 1600, the cathedral was modified again. In 1786, the original needle disappeared. During the French Revolution, the temple was a food depot. Later, Napoleon made it a church where he was crowned emperor. U for 1844, it was the turn of Viollet. Ah, in 1871, Paris It was a social hive and the cathedral was almost burned but she was saved.

Cathedral of San Isidro. In 1898, the building designed by architects Dunant and Paquin in neo-Gothic style is inaugurated. The large rose window and stained glbad windows were made in France.

Cathedral of San Isidro. In 1898, the building designed by architects Dunant and Paquin in neo-Gothic style is inaugurated. The large rose window and stained glbad windows were made in France.

As we see, the story is long and each era has its reason, why not do it now. We should keep in mind that the Gothicin his time, it was an amazing technique, very modern, a way to build visually light structures using only stone and mortar. For people, entering Notre Dame was as spectacular as going to a new generation airport. Should not I still be like this?


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