Why red meat is not eaten at Easter – 13/04/2019


During the celebration of Good Friday, Catholics around the world they honor the death of Jesus. That day, the Catholic rite does not allow you to eat meat. But why?

The Catholic Church says that red meat represents the body of Christ crucified. That's why practicing Catholics avoid meat and other derivatives and replace it by the fish to conform to the Holy Scriptures.

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What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

What happened today? We tell you the most important news of the day and what will happen tomorrow when you get up

Monday to Friday afternoon.

In the Gospel of John (21: 5), it is written, "Then Jesus said to them, Children, have you a fish?" They replied, "No." In this way, we seek to honor the desires that Jesus had in life on the day of his death.

This food is also mentioned in the Gospel of Luke (9:13), one of the most memorable moments of Jesus where he multiplies the loaves and the fish for an entire city.

Based on these Bible writings, it is customary to consume fish and avoid eating red meat during Ash Wednesday, the first Friday of Lent and Good Friday.

Holy Week for the Catholic calendar begins on Palm Sunday. This year is the April 14. The celebration is part of the rite of the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church, the largest number of believers in the world, placed under the authority of the Pope.

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