Why Russia and the US Are they fighting so much for Venezuela?


Why Russia and the US Are they fighting so much for Venezuela? – THE NATION

Inés Capdevila

Then, his main concepts:

  • What is in the middle between Russia and the United States today is a bit like the return of the cold war. Obviously, both have very strong interests in


    starting with the oil. The United States bought oil in Venezuela until the sanctions and Russia has exploited several oil wells in Venezuela and has invested about 9,000 million dollars in loans to PDVSA to the Venezuelan government and others. for oil exploitation.

  • There is a commercial root, but what lies behind the interference of the United States and Russia lies largely in the Cold War. In the case of the United States, it is almost more like in the 19th century with the "Monroe Doctrine", basically, the United States did not want anyone to enter their "backyard". The mentality of the cold war is more badociated with

    Vladimir Poutine.

  • Putin had a pretty Soviet conception of what Russian influence should be in the world. But Russia today is not the Soviet Union of yesterday. Today, the Russian economy is ten times smaller than the US economy. For Putin, it's a thorn in the heart.
  • Putin does not attack the United States directly, does not want to create a diplomatic breach, because he knows that he can not cope. And, basically, he wants to use Maduro as a trading currency in the negotiation with

    Donald Trump.

  • Putin's latest game is not Maduro, it does not protect Maduro. It is that Donald Trump is coming to the negotiating table with Putin, as he did today, and spoke for an hour and a half about two fundamental issues: North Korea and Venezuela (in addition to Mueller report). Putin wants to get them to lift the sanctions that are choking the Russian economy for Ukraine. Today, Maduro for Putin is a currency of exchange, it is a way of pushing.

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