Why San Francisco's most famous street will make tourists pay $ 10


The eight curves, located on a 125-meter stretch of Lombard Street in the American city of San Francisco, define it as the most winding in the world. Photographed by hundreds, it'll stop being free for visitors after 2020: they must pay a toll $ 10 to travel.

This decision was made by California city council in response to repeated complaints from neighbors about traffic congestion, noise and misbehavior of some people. 17,000 tourists that every day of the summer ends, they visit this traditional artery.

San Francisco Democrat Congressman Phil Ting, who drafted the law, explained that the system was designed to bring peace of mind to residents and tourists, some of whom climb on the roof of houses They are located on either side of the street and pee at the doors, according to the complaints of the inhabitants.

The famous Lombard Street, San Francisco, USA. (Source: Shutterstock).
The famous Lombard Street, San Francisco, USA. (Source: Shutterstock).

From 2020, tourists wishing to visit the famous Lombard Street will have to book in advance and pay a $ 10 tollsimilar to that provided in the famous Golden Gate, the red bridge in which each vehicle must pay $ 8 to cross across the bay.

The 125-meter section where the curves are located can only be traveled downhill and in a continuous curve, because of the steep slope, so that its use is limited to tourists and the neighbors of the city opt for alternative routes.


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