Why should not you worry too much about Mercury retrograde?


Mercury Movements Have a Bad Reputation, Here's an Explanation to Lower a Change Credit: Shutterstock

On July 25, the Mercury Planet begins the second retrograde of this year, which will be up to the August 18. Although there are still scruples regarding astrology as a tool for self-knowledge, the truth is that more and more astrological languages ​​are appearing in daily conversations, there are messages and memes in a zodiac key on social networks. In general, this visible expansion of astrology lies mostly in its dimension

and its badociated clbadic questions: what is the influence of planets? What will happen to me with this eclipse? How will the full moon affect me?

In this context where the link with the available energy grows as a subject of collective interest, it is not by chance that the first price the astrological content of a greater circulation and communication in networks and the media is for the retrograde Mercury. Because? Because the energy of Mercury has to do precisely with communication and in this sense is related to the information that is deployed in the media, what is the use of words, language, gossip. Mercury grants the transmission of messages as a game, even with something that can be unpunished and even involve a content exchange charleta without modesty and with some bbadity.

In turn, retrograde mercury is undoubtedly on the catwalk of astrological fear. We take a quick look in the notes dedicated to the subject, whose titles are intended to predict the worst woes and complications. For example, the words that are always badociated with Mercury's demotion are: alert! The complications come! Short communicative, be careful with your words! Do not make decisions! Do not write to your ex! Do not sign contracts! In addition, survival guides and tricks circulate to survive the moments when Mercury retrograde. So, how are we not going to blame Mercury retrograde? How not to be in total panic about the demotion of Mercury if we read everywhere that communication suddenly collapses and that confusion and uncontrollable errors begin?

A question of perspective

But let us take advantage of Mercury's relationship with our way of communicating, and from there invites us to reflect on communication. If astrology is a tool, let's think about what and how we use it. And most importantly, given the great tendency towards horoscope readings, it is very important to clbadify and order the predictive content. In particular, when speaking of Mercury, it is first necessary to clarify what is the role of the planet in the energy configuration of each natal chart. For this, it is interesting to note that, in mythology, Mercury was the messenger of the gods. In astrological terms, Mercury in each natal chart fulfills the function of communicating, thinking, learning, asking, browsing, carrying and bringing information. The mercurial relates to the way I connect, how to establish badociations in the mind, what is my sense of humor, what is my relationship with language and words.

Second, we must talk about its transit, its movement. Mercury takes 88 days to move around the zodiac; It is the fastest planet after the moon (it takes 28 days to rotate the zodiac). In transit, in 2018, Mercury will downshift three times. It has already done it between March 22nd and April 15th, now demoted between July 25th and August 18th; and finally, it will be between November 17 and December 6. So, to continue to specify: what is a demotion of a planet implies? Let's say: the word retrogradation is a fear. Nobody wants to downgrade! Not even Mercury! Moreover, Mercury never moves "backwards". The demotion talks about the relationship between Earth and Mercury. The retrograde planets seen from our earthly point of view. It's just a matter of perspective.

What does Leo's energy mean?

Now, the important thing: why not worry so much about retrograde Mercury? Because it does not depend on Mercury and its movement, it depends on you. Always, the form and experience that the zodiac energy takes on the earth depend on the unfolding of each consciousness; and, in turn, it is a dynamic impulse, with which, not only is there no determinism, but the form in every point is fixed in advance and can not be predicted. Less than less can be predicted the form of Mercury, which is the most elusive and volatile planet of the zodiac!

Mercury flies, jumps, connects, badociates, splashes and continues to laugh, continues to play. Astrology reads the energy of the sky as a map of possibilities, an energy availability that on earth will have a shape depending on how it is taken by the consciousness that lives it. So, what energy availability does Mercury bring to our consciousness? Basically, it's a great opportunity to reconsider, reevaluate, revise, relive; In a way, it allows a review and reconfiguration of mercurial problems in general. In fact, it is worth emphasizing that we are talking about actions that depend exclusively on the mental process itself, that is, the type of relationships and relationships that each can establish with his or her own abilities. reflection and communication. information that this retrogradation of Mercury is given in Leo. Leo is a sign of fire, very active, fast and intuitive and is related to personality, protagonism. In this sense, this revision and reconsideration will be directed towards the personal aspects related to leonine. Yes, let us be clear as we continue to add mercurial data: beyond that we are not leonines, each of us somewhere in our natal chart has leonine energy. In short, Mercury Retrograde is an invitation to pay attention to how to communicate the pulse of subjectivity and identity, how to talk about our pride, how to convey and express individuality with humor and wit. In addition, it can be used to reconnect with one's own self-esteem and worth. Instead of keeping calm Mercury is retrograde, we propose, without fear and with attitude: express our protagonism, communicate our vital energy.

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