Why Society Burned Wanda Nara to Nature


Natural. Mauro Icardi and Wanda Nara spent a day at the beach in Ibiza and were photographed. Criticism towards the media body has intensified through social networks. Stretch marks on the abdomen, advanced cellulite and deformation of the bad and legs, excess weight. Then other celebrities, Paula Chaves ("what's she saying if she's not a driver"), Oriana Sabatini ("with whom we can say"), Zaira Nara ("of course, she's the sister") and Jimena Barón always looking to show off the bad ") came out at the intersection of cruel comments.Then Wanda herself on social networks said:" J & # I've slipped too much what they say and they knew how much they would not waste time. "This story burned, but it was not dead, but the embers were hot for the day. Analysis

Why was Wanda Nara's body so offended by nature Why did the guts get strangled in society, which even called into question the defense mechanisms of other women, If the fan who was apparently on his side to support him was it based on arguments of the type "is the liveliest of because he knew how to "chase" right (male object of desire)? Perhaps the most ruthless was the plot that stirred in the minds of many like a worm in a rotten apple: why does not he have the personal fortune of Icardi? to undergo restorative surgeries (still the inaccessible)?

To shed light on these questions, the eye of Alfonsina Mora, of the Observatory on Violence Against Women, for example, highlights the stereotypes of women's bodies according to beauty criteria. inaccessible that will only be used up if they are extinguished in advance. the cultural models that support it. "Society is always patriarchal and has different expectations for men and women as to what they should be and as to the future that they must realize, what is the role of women and men? men in this society.We expect women to be at the service of the male and therefore we are asked for differentiated body standards, because it is understood that our function in society is more based on our bodies only on our intelligence and abilities, and that will not change, "he said. He added that FIFA, faced with the harbadment of tourists by Russian women during the World Cup, chose the cameras not to make them sit in the stands, hinting that the problem was the physical appearance of women or that they had decided to share a traditionally exclusive space of men, when the reification of women goes through other ways. "The case of what happened with Wanda's image does not have so much to do with the standards of beauty, which in some cases also hurt some men, but with this We are in a society where we know that there are women who, to get to certain places, have to adapt to certain rules of the game and when they break them, they run by these means, more than the media and the work for the show, "he said. He also revealed a perverse circle in which "the rules of the game for them are terrible in terms of stereotypes of beauty and youth, but they are also criticized as they are concerned and accommodate these rules of the game." What you have to attack is not them, but these rules of the game that require us to be more than anything to service, and that's what I find terrible, the desires and needs of the company. 39; man. Thus, the beginning of breaking these cultural guidelines involves accepting that "every woman has the right to manage her strategies to survive and go forward and everyone has that freedom to see how she stands before society and demands that it be respected, be your choices. "Neither more nor less," said Mora, "what is also needed – the profile of the academic professional – to those who publicly defend women's rights." We continue to stereotype and this does not seem to me to fit. Every woman is free to show her self-esteem as she hears, some will show their bodies, others will do it in the marches that are fighting for rights, the problem is we can choose, "summarizes he


The plastic surgeon Marcelo Guijarro said that from his point of view, Wanda Nara would not need cosmetic surgery to resume his modeling career or actress. "It would be enough to take care of one's body naturally with exercises and a balanced and balanced diet.Mostly because a woman needs surgery if she is going to make her feel better and increase her self-esteem. personal and should not depend on the opinion of others or others, "he said.He added that after going through pregnancies, five in the case of Wanda, it makes sense that A woman's body changes according to her genetics and the care that has been lavished on her before, during and after childbirth.Finally, he points out that invasive beauty methods, that is, ie involving surgery, do not involve a risk of death if practiced in licensed medical centers.

Fashion producer and director of the digital magazine Deja Vu, Gloria Paredes, added that " the real conflict lies in the im need to "accept and love the body as it is". "This need to be a perfect and constant disagreement crosses us all, no matter the age, weight or profession.I have worked with sculptural body models and I can badure you that None of them leaves aside self-criticism, they always need to mold something, more height, more centimeters in one place and less in another, "he said. For Gloria, a "re-revolution" requires a more benevolent female self-help, and each revolution begins with a discovery stage and unleashes another one in advance. "Rethinking our body and our image is a difficult task when we see ourselves overrun with oversized magazine covers, thousands of social media filters and advertisements with impossible and unreal body ideals, "said Gloria," but it's not a matter of moving this change with the bell pieces that are placed s on the horses so that they do not see the sides, but "to have a positive image of our body that likes it and accepts it as it is, even if it does not fit "ideal" media, a lie that does not make us feel good or helps us develop other aspects of our individuality. "

" Lie To Me As Always "

In September 2017, it was believed that given a great step towards the extinction of symbolic violence experienced by women when the Senate bonarense has turned into law the antiphotoshop project, thanks to which it should be warned with the caption "this image has been retouched and / or digitally altered" in advertising graphics and television so that users are not frustrated with impossible beauty settings but the measurement was short and Salta did not happen directly. "There are certain visual and aesthetic codes that prevail in every era. At this time the aesthetic standards are very high and are mediated by photoshop as the public asks. Advertising tries to reflect the social taste. Many times it says, "Let's put a real woman", but when it's done a widespread rejection is generated, "said Juan Aranda, photographer and director of ABC magazine.

And according to him, the case of Wanda is an example because "the natural thing would have been that nobody says or is astonished of anything, neither for good nor for evil". For Aranda, the digital tools program is not the enemy, but the company's look at public figures. "There is an idealization that does not allow to see the reality.Everyone knows that people do not have porcelain skin.However, the media are required to have it and the only way to to do it is with a photo editing because even the best surgeon in the world can not do it, "he said. For him, the emphasis is on the idealization and acceptance of this idealization. "The photo is fictional.The problem is that there are people who do not understand this limit because it's been a part of reality for a long time.If there is an image that is true, and in reality that has long ceased to be so, "he said. He added that photography is a cinematographic import. "The model is composed, combed, surrounded by producers and advisers.The clothes you wear have 45 hooks on the back to adjust the outline and look perfect."

The Photoshop appliques lengthen the ends of models and the neck, thin their lips to make them full and invite to embrace, the silhouettes shrink them. But the danger for Aranda is in the reception of this trompe l 'oeil.

"We are at a time when many paradigms are changing from the point of departure that the person speaking does not know who he is, the relationships are more personal than digital and each one arms the body to his or her measure because they may never be seen, "Aranda floated.

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