Why Sputnik is a “Russian Political Instrument” and How It Impacts “Hybrid War” According to Ukraine’s Top Representative in Argentina


Ukraine Yes Russia they live “very complicated” times, as admitted by the Ukrainian charge d’affaires in Argentina, Olefir from Valérii. In this context, the diplomat did not spare his words to criticize Russia’s geopolitical ambitions at the global level, the “Hybrid War” that, according to him, the Kremlin maintains against Ukraine and warned against the possibility of relinquishing control of a possible nuclear power plant, as proposed by the Russian projects in Argentina.

– How does Ukraine observe Argentina’s rapprochement with Russia?

– Argentina is the third country in the world that has received the most Ukrainians, for us they are like brothers. But we regret the actions that we consider destructive for the development of Argentina.

– What actions?

– Russia does not invest in the well-being of others, it invests in its own instruments of influence.

– Like what ?

– Geopolitical instruments.

– Are you saying that Russia would generate an instrument for its own benefit and not for Argentina?

– Yes Yes. That very.

– Do you see, for example, a political objective behind the distribution of the Sputnik V vaccine?

– Yes definitely Sputnik is a political instrument. In the event of a pandemic, it is the number one instrument.

– Do you consider a threat to Ukrainian interests in the country that Russia proposes to build nuclear power plants?

– No, because our interests in the region are not directly affected. Yes, we can share with Argentina our very visible experience with Chernobyl and the threats posed by a nuclear power plant.

– It seems distant, but it is a memory that has remained present. Can you think of another Chernobyl?

– I don’t think so, it happened in a useless system of governance of the Soviet Union. You just have to keep in mind that if you accept this type of risk in the territory we must control and anticipate threats who has. With Argentina’s great nuclear breakthrough, the country is able to control everything. It is important to control a resource that poses a potential threat.

– Would you then consider a danger that Argentina could not control a power station built in the country?

– Yes, I would consider it that way.

– You have already mentioned Sputnik, are there other intentions in the economic and commercial decisions of the Kremlin?

– Russia always uses all its resources as a geopolitical instrument. He did and continues to do so.

Growing tension in Crimea

The peninsula has become the epicenter of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia since in March 2014, the Kremlin announced the accession of Crimea and Sevastopol. During all these years the clashes have intensified in various cities, while in recent days the situation has heated up again when the Russian Navy fired on a British destroyer and Putin himself blamed the United Kingdom and the United States to seek a Russian military response in the waters of the Black Sea.

– How are relations between Ukraine and Russia today?

– The relations which we currently maintain are very complicated at the diplomatic level. The Russian Federation is waging a hybrid war. The Republic of Crimea occupied us and the east of our country intervened with weapons.

– Russia justifies this intervention by saying that there was a referendum in Crimea …

– (Laughs) To maintain any type of action that claims to be legitimate, we must respect the status quo of the territory. It was not a referendum initiated by the government or the citizens, it was an occupation. Many years ago we had a Russian military base in the Black Sea region.

– After the last months of tensions, do you think that the conflict can degenerate in the coming months?

– I hope it doesn’t happen, and I don’t think it will. Ukraine continues to seek a diplomatic resolution of the conflict, in no case will we try to resolve it militarily

– How do you see, for example, the last incident between a British destroyer and Russian fleet?

– There are currently naval military exercises in the region. He is causing tension, where the Russians see him as a potential threat. Russia is making all kinds of provocations. The British destroyer was on its peaceful route to a Georgian port, entering just a few nautical miles away.

– So you can’t keep climbing?

– I think there will be a limit. I don’t see the possibility of the Russians destroying NATO ships.

– Because?

– It would be counterproductive for Russia. Although they act as aggressors, they do not seek war. They prefer to play with relatively small players.

– What do you think are Russia’s main interests in the Crimean Peninsula?

– Crimea became a military base, where with their missiles they can reach all of Europe. It is the closest point to Russian missiles. He went from a paradise to a military base.

– What does Ukraine propose to defuse tensions and perhaps regain control of Crimea?

– On August 24, we will celebrate the anniversary of Ukraine’s independence. There we will have a very important event called “Crimean Platform”, where we will seek to absorb all the ideas to renew and get out of the current situation we have with the occupied territories.

– What do they actually offer?

– We are going to join forces at three levels: presidential, parliamentary and expert, think tanks.

– Did they summon the Argentine government?

– Yes, there was an invitation for the President and the Chancellor, and another for the first lady. In the last few days, we have received a response indicating that due to the current conditions and the epidemiological situation, they would not participate in any of the cases.

– Then there will be no Argentine representation.

– Unfortunately, I do not see it viable now.

– In this context, do you see a possible rapprochement between Russia and Ukraine?

– Yes of course. It must be resolved with the status quo of states to engage in dialogue and seek a path together.


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