Why storms and hurricanes are worse every year


A week ago the Hurricane Ida made landfall on the Gulf Coast. The states of Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey and New York, among others, were the most affected in North America by this climate catastrophe. The Hurricane Ida it was not a storm like the previous ones. It is one of the most severe storms in the past 150 years and more hurricanes and severe storms will follow, forming in areas where they were not before, worse than Ida if it did not. launched actions against him. global warming at once.

The Hurricane Ida It went from category 1 to 4 in a few hours. Destroy entire cities and cause deaths and injuries, how is that possible? The global warming it worsens them by increasing temperatures in the oceans. Climate change helped Ida strengthen quickly just before it made landfall. Since heat is energy, it acts as fuel and means that it forms in areas where it was not before, is more powerful, and flooding increases and intensifies more quickly.

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