Why the dramatic rescue of children trapped in the cave of Thailand was precipitated


Whenever less rain falls on Thailand, rescuers advance the operation to save the 12 boys and their football coach captured two weeks ago in a cave.

The climatic factor It was crucial that the operation be hasty: it is expected that in four days there will be a great rain that could end the hopes of life of children. That is why the authorities have given the order to start the evacuation tasks.

Children trapped in the cave

The global waiting for the 12 children and their football coach trapped in a cave in Thailand persists. While everyone is in good health and that they are accompanied by a group of soldiers who met them two days ago – after nine days of searching – finding a way out n & # It is not easy

health, they are all young and strong, "said the Argentine ambbadador to Thailand, Maria Alicia Cuzzoni of Sonschein, TN

The military, among whom there are divers and doctors, brought them energy gels, milk, vitamin complexes and tablets with protein to recover strength and in quantities to last up to four months.

The group is entered the cave on June 23, as part of a tourist walk, but the cave began to flood earlier than expected – it always happens from July, when the rainy season and the monsoon begins – and the boys were trapped.

"The team relief you found is part of the Thai security force and they are trained for this type of emergency. They made this route, which the boys must do to get out, about 7 kilometers all for the water, "said the ambbadador.

The boys are refugees in an area more High of the cave, known as Pattaya Beach.

Swimming is not an option, however. "Children should learn to swim and dive, which is very complicated because of breathing The ambbadador said, "Seven kilometers separate the place from where they came from the cave exit."

At some point, it was also contemplated to dig a new entrance, but it is impossible to do so given the large quantity of rocks that are found there. "It is a very risky and very engaged work."

At 39 At present, the alternative for which they opted was to drain water as fast as possible before that it does not rain again. "The water falls from one centimeter to the hour, which is not bad considering the size of the cave ", said the governor of Chiang Rai province, Narongsak Osottanakorn, who heads the rescue cell

. Rescuers had announced that the boys could be months inside the cave before being rescued.

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