Why the gut microbiota affects mood


Scientific studies published in the journal Gastroenterology and hepatology has shown that there are many reasons to take care of intestinal microbiota because it affects the ambiance of people. According to the Gut Microbiota and Health Review, a imbalance in this may alter our humor because bacteria in the digestive system influence the synthesis of serotonin and almost 90% of this neurotransmitter is produced in the intestine.

Serotonin (known as the hormone of happiness) is the key to the regulation of ambiance and its absence is associated with depressive symptoms; the intestinal microbiota it can be involved both in reducing its levels and in its production.

An article by Ted Dinan, of University College of Liège (Ireland), published in the magazine Neurogastroenterology & Motility, revealed that the depression and the anxiety are linked to an alteration in the composition of intestinal microbiota. Meanwhile, another scientific study from the University McMaster in Canada corroborated the above by various tests on mice: by modifying their microbiota, they began to behave much more passive.

Meanwhile, further research indicates that variations in the composition of the intestinal microbiota are linked to the development of metabolic disorders, such as obesity and the Diabetes. In turn, intestinal bacteria influence the function of the immunological systembecause it prevents harmful substances from entering the bloodstream.

With Bienestar spoke with Fabio Nachman (MN 96.066), head of the gastroenterology service of the Favaloro Foundation and president of the Argentine Society of Gastroenterology, who declared that “the brain communicate with him intestine and the microbiota through the sympathetic and parasympathetic system, and the hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal axis which acts on the neurons, hormone-producing cells, immune and muscle cells found in the intestine, linked to an estimated 3 trillion bacteria we have the “.

In this sense, the specialist clarified: “The brain will regulate and control the digestive function, mainly motility, sensitivity, secretion and permeability, among others. And in turn, intestinal bacteria they will contribute to neurodevelopment, neuroplasticity and brain function. Most of the studies demonstrating the existence of this path have been carried out in animal models and very few in humans ”.

In this same line, Nachman in-depth: “A work published in 2013 by UCLA researchers, directed by the researcher Emeran meyer has shown that the consumption of yogurt with probiotics favorably altered the activity of the regions of the brain that control the processing of sensations and the emotions. In another study, Phil Burnet, from the Department of Psychiatry, University of Oxford, has shown that the use of prebiotics (soluble fiber that nourishes the microbiota), produced a decrease in the levels of cortisol, a decrease in the symptoms of anxiety among those who have consumed the product and a greater ability to tolerate stress. More recently at the University of MacMaster in Ontario, the group led by Elena Verdu and Inés Pinto-Sanchez found that patients with irritable bowel who received a probiotic (Bifidobacterium longum) had rates of anxiety Yes depression”.

According to the specialist, the challenge is to establish whether it is possible, by modifying the microbiota with pre and probiotics, to achieve a therapeutic action in diseases such as autism or in the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases. “Probiotics, associated with a Balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle, strengthen the defenses and they protect us from disease, ”he said.

In the same vein, he stressed: “Our first line of defense is the Physical barriers: the skin, the mucous membranes of the intestine, the respiratory system or the genitourinary tract. When this barrier is violated, we have the second line of defense or innate response, i.e. cells which will activate automatically to isolate or eliminate any intruder, simultaneously. The T lymphocytes Yes B they will activate specific destruction mechanisms against the particular infectious agent. The ability to manufacture antibody it has memory, so if we are infected with this same infectious agent, our bodies will be able to respond more quickly. To keep the front line impenetrable in front of officers, it is essential Eat well, play sports or avoid alcohol or the the tobacco”.

The role of good nutrition

According to the International Society for Immunonutrition (ISIN), a Varietal diet Yes balanced, rich in fruits and vegetables, and which generates short-chain fatty acids in the intestine, reduces permeability and helps immune function. “The Mediterranean diet and all those that contain prebiotics (fibers) generate a healthy microbiota and improve the immune response, ”they argued. For its part, Gabriel Vinderola, doctor of chemistry and principal investigator at CONICET, told Con Bienestar that probiotics are present in fermented foods (bread, beer, wine, kefir, yogurt, kumis or cheese) and that prebiotics can be incorporated, for example, in the vegetables and the dried fruits.

“Consumption of fermented foods that provide live microorganisms is recommended. There are also foods that provide non-viable microorganisms, which can also have some impact on health such as sourdough bread, where the microorganisms have been inactivated by heat, but which are present in the metabolites that the microorganisms produced during fermentation, ”explained Vinderola.

The specialist added: probiotics This is a special class of living microorganisms which, when administered in adequate amounts, produce beneficial effects. They are found in particular in supplements, in certain yogurts and in infant formulas, that is to say when breastfeeding is not available. The prebiotics, on the other hand, are food for bacteria residing in the intestine. We can include them as supplements and naturally we can find them in foods such as onion, garlic, legumes, nuts and ripe bananas ”.

For its part, Nachman concluded: “80% of our immune system is in the intestine: the intestinal microbiota It can help us to strengthen it and fight against the most common infections. However, it can easily become imbalanced and affect our defenses. “Probiotics are living microorganisms previously isolated and characterized. Its identity is known, so also its traceability. They turned out Insurance. When they reach the intestine, they perform functions that the microbiota usually performs, among the most important in stimulating immune response. They come in two formats: fermented dairy products or supplements ”.


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