Why they paid a million and a half dollars for Armando, a traveling pigeon – 18/03/2019


A traveling pigeon, trained in Belgium, was auctioned online for $ 1,420,000 on Sunday, making it the most expensive bird type in history, according to Pigeon Paradise (PIPA).

Pigeon racing is common in some parts of the world and is specially trained for speed competition. For this reason, Armando, three-time champion, has been auctioned at an unimaginable price.

Armando's is auctioned on the web. (PIPA)

Armando's is auctioned on the web. (PIPA)

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Monday to Friday afternoon.

This bird of Belgian origin is already "retired" from competitions and will be five years old this season. The Pigeon Paradise auction site (PIPA) presented it on a website to a contractor named Joel Verschoot. $ 1,420,000. "It was incredible, a feeling completely out of the ordinary," Nikolaas Gyselbrech, president of PIPA, told the BBC.

The previous record was 376 thousand dollars for a pigeon named New BliksemThus, they did not expect this high figure: "We had the hope to be between 500 000 and 600 000 dollars, we had dreamed only of 700 000".

Gyselbrecht said two buyers from China were involved in an intense offering that raised the price from $ 600,000 to more than one million in just over an hour. To put this sale of records in perspective, it must be considered that the cost of a pigeon costs about $ 3,000.

China's interest in racing pigeons has increased in recent years, driving up the prices of "champions" determined by who is the first to be able to return to his dovecote from an exit point located hundreds of kilometers away.

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But it was known that Armando could arouse a much greater interest after his victories in the last three races that he has contested: the Pigeon Championship in 2018, the Pigeon Olympiad in 2019 and the Clbadic. of Angoulême in France.

Although the days of competition are over, the president of PIPA explained that he could continue to have children until 10 years and live until the age of 20. The possible participation of his offspring in future competitions was what was attractive to his new owner.



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