Why they wore orange handkerchiefs Verónica Llinás and Catherine Fulop


Verónica Llinás and Catherine Fulop are two of the artists who most strongly support the legal abortion project, which is being debated in the Senate on August 8 and could be law. The actresses participated in a TV show, but this time they did not use the clbadic green scarves, a symbol of support for the legalization of pregnancy termination, but other oranges.

"Church and State, Separate Affairs" the legend in the orange handkerchiefs used by actresses to support a secular state, that is, separated from the institution led by Pope Francis [19659003] Llinás: "We must debate the separation between state and church"

It is a necessary discussion, since the Church has a great influence on the decisions of the rulers, before making a decision that could affect the Church, they think well and even give in to pressure, "criticized Llinás

. He also questioned the "fundamentalism" of those who argue that there is "only one possible reality" and that they do not respect other opinions. . " I find it very dangerous, it scares the regrowth with abortion ," he warned, invited to We Can Talk (PH).

  ORANGE SCARF. Llinás, for the defense of the lay state (Photo: Instagram @soyverollinas).
PAÑUELO NARANJA. Llinás, in defense of the lay state (Photo: Instagram @soyverollinas)

Fulop: "We deserve rights to be enlarged"

Fulop, who also wore an orange kerchief, said that women deserve an extension of the rights so that they can decide their life and their projects. He recalled that he suffered a miscarriage and explained that his defense of the project is "for future generations of women, so that they can be free".

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