Why Valentine's Day is celebrated today, the feast of love that is already Rosario


Today is Valentine's Day and although many people resist with arguments such as "I do not believe in this" or "it's very commercial", Rosario and Rosario are more and more allowed to dedicate this day to the promotion of love, words of gratitude to your partner, to eat together something rich, to find smiles and perhaps also to make a gift that can please the other.

It is true that Valentine is a party that is not part of these payments, but many others are not, so why not relax the structures and surprise your partner early with a "Happy Valentine's Day" ".

The celebration of Valentine's Day is a tradition of the Anglo-Saxon countries and has been established in other countries throughout the twentieth century. It's a day when loving couples express their love and affection.


It is celebrated on February 14, Valentine's Day, and its origin dates back to the time of the Roman Empire. Valentine's Day was a priest who, from the third century, exercised in Rome. Emperor Claudius II, who decided to ban the celebration of marriage for young people, felt that single-parent families were better soldiers because they had fewer ties.

The priest considered the decree unjust and challenged the emperor. He has secretly celebrated weddings (so it has become popular that Valentine is the boss of lovers). The emperor imprisoned him. An officer wanted to put him to the test. He challenged him to return the sight to his daughter Julia, born blind. Valentine accepted and found the sight.

Valentín remained imprisoned. He was executed on February 14, 270. Young Julia, grateful to the saint, planted an almond tree with pink flowers next to her grave. Therefore, the almond tree is a symbol of lasting love and friendship.


Why does not it appear among Catholic holidays?

But making gifts like flowers or chocolates on Valentine's Day belongs to the twentieth century. That's why Valentine is considered the protector of lovers.

After the appointment of Pope Gelasius I on February 14, 494, the first official day of St. Valentine's Day, the feast was inscribed on the traditional liturgical calendar and celebrated by the Catholic Church over the next 15 centuries.


But in 1969, under the pontificate of Paul IV and after the Second Vatican Council, it was removed from the calendar. So it was an appointment with holy but without celebration. But it was already late. The celebration had taken root in several societies.

In the twentieth century, the industrial revolution allowed the production of greeting card chain, one of the most frequent Valentine's Day gifts in the United States and in British countries.


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