WikiLeaks ensures that Ecuador will expel Assange in "hours or days"


A senior source told WikiLeaks that Julian Assange will be deported in the "hours or days" following the Ecuadorian Embbady in the UK, before being arrested by the British authorities .

According to Wikileaks, the accusations of the Ecuadorian President, Lenin Moreno, against Assange, would have been subsequent to the publication of an information portal on a case allegedly incriminating the president in acts of corruption.

BREAKING: A high-level source in the Ecuadorian state to which you spoke @ Wikileaks That Julian Assange will be expelled in "hours to a few days" using the #INAPapers the offshore scandal as an excuse – and that he already has an agreement with the UK for his arrest.https: //

– Wikileaks (@wikileaks) April 4, 2019

Subsequently, WikiLeaks has indicated on its Twitter account that it has obtained a secondary confirmation from another "source" of high level within the Ecuadorian state regarding the possible expulsion of Assange.

BREAKING: A high-level source in the Ecuadorian state to which you spoke @ Wikileaks That Julian Assange will be expelled in "hours to a few days" using the #INAPapers the offshore scandal as an excuse – and that he already has an agreement with the UK for his arrest.https: //

– Wikileaks (@wikileaks) April 4, 2019

What does the Ecuadorian Chancery say?

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Quito said that it did not respond to "rumors, badumptions or conjectures" that do not have "documentary support," according to El Comercio.

The investigation against Moreno, known as "INA Papers", was lifted a few days ago by an opposition MP, the deputy Ronny Aleaga Santos, who received a briefing on the case. an anonymous source containing documents supposed to implicate the family of the Ecuadorian president. in crimes of corruption, perjury and money laundering, through foreign companies.

After the revelation, Moreno directly attacked Assange, accusing him of violating the conditions of his diplomatic asylum at the Embbady of Ecuador in London.

"If President Moreno wants to illegally terminate the asylum of a refugee editor in order to conceal a scandal [sobre empresas] "Offshore," history will condemn it, "WikiLeaks said in a separate statement posted on Twitter Tuesday.

President Moreno rejected the charges. According to claims this Tuesday, offshore company INA Investment was founded by his brother Edwin Moreno, at the request of someone who owed him money, in order to transfer the funds to Ecuador through the intermediary of this Panamanian company.

"I never learned that this offshore company had been formed," said the president on the show "Ninety Minutes with Lenin Moreno".

Lenin Moreno denied having interests in an offshore company, as the correísmo reports. He badured that the participation of one of his brothers did not present any obstacle or illegality, as he was not a public official. The legislator criticized Ronny Aleaga

Via @ jandresgonz73

– El Comercio (@elcomerciocom) April 2, 2019

Amid the scandal, Assange's lawyer in Ecuador, Carlos Poveda, explained that his client had nothing to do with the publication.

"Do not forget that WikiLeaks has an internal organization and that Assange is no longer in the editor, we will now turn to other types of instances, especially the Inter-American Commission, "said Poveda.

For its part, former Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa called the "INA Papers" case "one of the most serious cases of corruption in the country's history".

In an interview with RT, Correa repeated that in this account, they "deposited dirty money" to follow "a life of kings".

"I have rarely seen a case of corruption where there was so much evidence," he said.



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