Wikileaks released all his files on the Web after the arrest of Julian Assange


"Fortunately the cat was saved", said Assange's lawyer after arresting his client, but he was no longer the only one to his fate: according to Wikileaks' Twitter profile, they indicated that the link was active.

To integrate

Note: is not a release, an insurance dump or an answer to Assange's arrest. This is the page where published documents are available for bulk upload so that users can create mirrors, access offline publications, or use raw data. It has been around for years.

– Wikileaks (@wikileaks) April 13, 2019

"This is not a launch, a place where information is stored for security reasons or a response to the Arrest of Assange," said Wikileaks in his Twitter profile.

The link in question is "the page where published documents They are available for mbadive download, for people to do [publicaciones] mirrors, access them without an Internet connection or use them as raw information, "they explained.

"It's been years," added the brain of the organization that controls global power.


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