Wild attack at school: a mother opened her head to a little girl


The attack occurred at CEM 14 Fernández Oro, Río Negro, at 1:20 pm Tuesday. Then the mother of a student of the team arrived tomorrow on a motorcycle and jumped on a 17-year-old girl

"It's the third time this woman attacks girls to the school "

The attacker took off the chain with which the vehicle is fixed and hit several times times in the head, so that the teenager has was bathed in blood and in the midst of a crisis of crying. She was then transferred to the hospital where was sewn with deep sore .

"When the woman discovered the complaints, she went to the other mothers and threatened them with death"

The girl lives with fear and does not want to go back to school while her family fears new attacks. " It's the third time this woman attacked schoolgirls the mother of a fourth-grade student who had to change her to the morning shift because that she beat her clbadmates " Ramiro Mamani father of the victim, to LM Cipolletti .

"From school all that I was offered is a teacher to give private lessons in my house"

"The facts have been denounced previously, but the school failed to resolve the conflict, and even when the woman discovered the complaints, she went to the other mothers and threatened them with death "

" Now, every time he goes to school I think he can be killed "

He also revealed:" Since school, all that 's all. one offered me is a teacher to give private lessons in my house. Above what they break their heads, he must live locked up, he can not be creer. "

After the attack, Mamani went to the prosecutor's office Cipolletti to lodge a complaint, but asked for three witnesses of legal age and apparently there were only teenagers .

For its part, the school is preparing for this week an interdisciplinary coexistence council but Mamani is calling for the expulsion of the other student and this is advancing the case against her mother.

"Hope the school will act, because the situation does not allow more.Inaction will make that my daughter will stop studying.You can not live with fear. Now, whenever she goes to school, I think they can kill her "she said. [ad_2]
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