will reach teachers and police


The Governor Alfredo Cornejo announced this afternoon that he will activate the "trigger clause" agreed with the guilds public since the IPC accumulated from January to June as measured by Indec for the region of Cuyo reached 16% above 15.7% agreed. The salary increase will also reach teachers, the police and the prison staff

"Once achieved 15.7% inflation we had agreed with the public sector unions ] we will strictly adhere to what we committed "said the governor, at a press conference held at Casa de Gobierno.

On Tuesday, the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses publishes the inflation figure for the month of June, which was advancing 3.6% at the Cuyo showing a cumulative rate of 2018 from 16%.

This is a figure that exceeds 15.7% that had the provincial government agreed with some public workers unions in early 2018, when inflation expectations were lower than current forecasts.

"It starts to be activated from now on because Indec Cuyo's inflation exceeds 15.7% and It has reached 16% .We will start to increase for the next month and we will wind up with this small increase, "said Cornejo, after experiencing the June CPI figures.

The Single Union of Education Workers (SUTE) was the only union that did not find agreement with the government. However, Cornejo confirmed that the "trigger clause" will also be activated in teachers' salaries so they will also receive the increase.

"We think of our teachers, that we want to take care not to lose purchasing power .We will put the same trigger clause on them," the president said.

In addition, the activation of the clause will cover the police and prison staff – who do not enjoy parity -, decree as the executive Provincial will publish next week, where teachers will also be included.

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