Will there be fines for feeding stray dogs? | Chronic


The municipality of Neuquén was at the center of the controversy, after the Undersecretary for the Environment had notified various inhabitants of that city of an unusual message that limited the feeding of stray dogs.

" prohibits the abandonment of domestic animals on public roads, a term that will be interpreted as such by those who feed stray dogs, in this case shall give immediate notice to the Civil Protection.After the violation of any of these prohibitions will apply the penalties established by the current standard "says the message

The official responsible, Silvia Gutiérrez did not not made statements but after the anger was unleashed among neighbors who would be fined for feeding stray dogs, the municipality immediately ordered to withdraw the notifications. Since social networks did not forgive them because the situation of street dogs is a problem that supposedly should solve the state.

" We should go out to feed the dogs in the street situation as a means of protesting the arbitrary solution proposed by the Municipality of Neuquen Generate adoption campaigns if you are so concerned about dogs, let's be more animals "said a Twitter user. " Can not you feed him on a small street, and what do you recommend, let them starve, how well Pechi … we could leave him without water or food for a little while. ", said one of the many messages posted on social networks

From the Argentinean war group Galgo, meanwhile, repudiated the measure:" Leaving an animal endangers your life and your health putting it in a helpless situation, abandoning it to its fate, meanwhile, feeding the animals in the street or impotence is a humanitarian act, in solidarity, which does not imply the cause of this abandonment ", they badured in their declaration:" In these times when the society lacks values ​​and where prevails 39, individualism, solidarity must be highlighted as value, moral and human virtue, call for responsibility and responsibility. commitment to the common good, to the suffering and injustice that most need to suffer two human and non-human animals . " For the above, we ask Mr. Intendant of Neuquén Horacio Quiroga to revise the ordinances n ° 11036 and 11341 which regulate the work and which propose policies of protection and shelter towards the animals, to build a more loving society where priority is given to respect for the lives of all, animals and people ", they argued in a long letter, the badociation


Meanwhile, one of the paragraphs of the notice that was given to the neighbors states that the use of guide dogs by blind or partially sighted persons will be regulated, announcing that those who do not allow the safe pbadage to other people will be punished.To date, there has been no official communication from the commune to clarify the notification message, they simply been removed.

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