Will there be limits to the extraction of dollars for traveling?


This Sunday, a series of measures were known to "ensure greater currency stability and protect the saver"

Central bank sources said today that "no one is limited to extracting dollars from their accounts, neither from natural persons nor legal persons". Nor is there any obstacle to foreign trade or travel restrictions."

In other words, the measures will not affect the purchase of foreign currency for those who are going to make a trip or purchases made abroad.

This was organized after the entity headed by Guido Sandleris launched a series of measures to ensure the supply of business dollars and savers, among which it is noted that exporters must liquidate the resulting currencies of their sales in the country and that All companies, not only banks, will have to ask the authorization of the monetary entity to exchange foreign currency.

With regard to the small saver, it has been added that natural persons "may not purchase more than $ 10,000 a month or make transfers of funds from foreign accounts of any amount. greater than this amount.

The DNU also establishes that holders of certain public debt securities whose initial maturity is greater than the limit may give such securities as payment to cancel the social security obligations, such as contributions and contributions, due and payable as of July 31, 2019.

In this context, banks can extend their hours up to 17 hours for a month. We also knew that tomorrow there will be no holiday.


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